Final day in the Palace

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At lunch the following day Bella was eating some jam sandwiches with the scullery maid she had made friends with the previous afternoon.
Bella enjoyed hanging around with Natalie as she was so humble. She always asked questions about others and never spoke about herself.
They finished their sandwiches and Natalie showed Bella the horses at the stables,
"Here we are." Natalie said as she opened the huge doors to the stable,
"Wow, It's huge!" Bella exclaimed as she walked in to see two Pegasus. One was white and the other was black and they both had the most beautiful wings.

"Go on then," Natalie giggled,
"What?" Said Bella all confused,
"Well, You do want to ride them don't you?" Asked Natalie as she placed the saddle on the back of the black horse,
"Really!" Bella said excitedly,
"Of course, Just sit on the saddle and give the horse a tiny nudge and he will go,"
Natalie explained,
"Ok!" Said Bella as she carefully mounted the Pegasus,
"Are you sure it won't hurt him?" Bella asked,
"I'm positive Bella, He won't feel a thing." Natalie assured,

Bella now knowing it wasn't going to hurt the Pegasus she grab the reins and nudge the Pegasus with her foot and as if by magic the Pegasus began to move. She looked behind her to see Natalie sitting confidently on the white horse.
Natalie nudge the Pegasus with her foot and shouted "Canter!" and the Pegasus began to gallop extremely fast out of the stable but Bellas was still walking. Bella built up the courage to shout,
"Canter" She said but the Pegasus continued to walk,
"Canter!" She shouted and now the Pegasus having heard her he bagan you gallop in the same direction as Natalies.

They rode the Pegasus until something peculiar happened.

Bella and Natalie arrived back at the stable to hear a slight whimpering noise, they walked over to the noise to find the castle dog Pepper caring after a litter of puppies,
"Oh my goodness!" Natalie exclaimed,
"She's had puppies!" Bella shouted,
"Yes and they've been here for a while as their eyes are open." Natalie pointed out,
"So that means they've been here for around seven weeks, Oh my!" Bella kneeled down to give pepper a scratch on the head when one of the puppies pushed it out of the way to make Bella pet him instead of his mother,
"Oh my you are needy" Bella stated,
"Wait here I'll go get two baskets to take them inside with." Natalie said as she ran out the stable.
She soon returned with the Prince and two reed baskets lined with little red blankets.
Bella picked up the the puppies one at a time and carefully placed them in the baskets. There was seven in total, four boys and three girls.
They tied the Pegasus's up and walked back to the castle with pepper following close behind.

They arrived at the palace and left the puppies with the castle vet to be checked as everyone else ate dinner.
Dinner was the same as the previous night but ended very different.

"George!"Bella shouted as she looked at the map,
"The map has changed yet again!" She continued,
"What?" George asked over the dinner table,
"It used to be a map but it now has some sort of red wax placed in the middle!" Bella explained,
"Well I recognise that," The King began,
"It's a wax strip we use to pushed our rings into to sign letters." The King explained,
"Really?" George said with hope in his eyes,
"Yes I can sign it after dessert," He said,

Bella and George ate their dessert so fast as they both new the map wouldn't last long before it changed.
As the butlers came to collect the plates Bella and George asked the king where the ring was,
"It's up in our bedroom wait here while I run up and get it," The King said as he stood up and ran up the stairs,

He later returned with a little ring in his hand. Bella walked over to the King and handed the map to him. The King carefully pressed his twenty four karat gold ring into the red wax.
He held it in place for a few seconds and took it away. As he took it away the wax slowly started to fade away and the map began to reappear.
"Thank you!" George said,
"Yes thank you." Repeated Bella,
The night ended with music and dancing late into the night,
"You better get to bed it is getting late" The Queen said,
"You are getting up early to be on your way," She continued,
"Yes I completely forgot," Said Bella in a sad tone as she really didn't want to go,
"Well goodnight," George said,
As he and Bella walked up the stairs and spilt at the top of the stairs,
"Goodnight Bella," George said,
"Goodnight my friend," Bella replied,
And with that they were going to be woken up and given a little surprise.

The following morning Elsie woke Bella and George and gave them a special breakfast in bed. Georges had a bowl of fairy pops covered in a variety of berries,
Meanwhile Bellas had two chocolate chip pancakes covered in maple syrup.
They gobbled up their breakfast when the
King called,
"Bella, George come down stairs we have a little surprise for you!" The King shouted up the stairs from the family room.
They both ran down stairs in the new pair of clothes they had been given at the beginning of there visit.
Sitting in the family room was the King the Queen and the Prince. In the centre of the room was a little gift rapped in a bow.
"Oh my!" Bella exclaimed,
"You don't to get us gifts you given us enough" George said,
"Don't start that, please accept our gifts it would hurt our feelings if you didn't" The Queen joked,
"Well if you say so," Bella giggled
Bella reaches for the little red box with a gold ribbon around it, she carefully lifted the lid of the top to reveal a little nightie for Bella a pair of pyjamas for George and a few things to help them on their way. There were things like two sleeping bags a red torch and some matches,
"Hopefully these will help you on your way," The King smiled,
"Oh of course they will, thank you so much it's wonderful," Bella exclaimed,
"Yes thank you that was so kind," George agreed,
"No problem but there is one more thing," The Queen said with a smile,
"Go!" The King,Queen and Prince shouted as the door to the family room opened and a little black puppy ran through the door with a bow attached to his head,
"Huh!" Bella gasped as the puppy pounced on Bella flooding her with loads of kisses,
"Really!" George shouted,
"Yes he's all yours!" The Queen said with a smile on her face,
"Thank you oh thank you oh thank you!!" Bella shouted as she began to tear up,
The puppy had a little blue collar with a little gold bell attached.

When it came time to leave Elsie handed the two little basket filled with food that would last them a few days it also contained two toys for the dog which they name Gizmo.
"Goodbye and thank you for everything" Bella said gratefully,
"No problem, Do be sure to come back and visit again soon," The King said,
"Of course we will, especially after you kind you have treated us," Bella replied,

They walked out the castle gates and began to continue their journey. They sat down at a near by tree to eat lunch when they heard a monstrous roar.....

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