Adventure begins

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The next morning as Bella woke up she replayed her thoughts of last night through her head.
She was still confused on how her watch never lit up.

You see a fairy watch or the love watch as they call it is a bracelet given to fairies when they are in their pods it is made of bark from an elder wood tree and the gem placed in the centre of the bracelets is found only in the deep dark caves of the enchanted forest. When a fairy comes close to another fairy and the gem lights up that is the person the fairy should marry. And it is only rare when the gem is wrong. But you see Bella searched far and wide for her soulmate but the watch never lit up. This infuriated Bella as all of her friends love bracelets had already lit up but Bellas still hadn't. But when it came time to choose the pods  Bella decided that she didn't need a husband she would raise Ellie herself and that is where we come to today.

Anyway Bella hated that  that these thoughts troubled her as she was so sure she could raise Ellie confidently and she did until now. Bella now longed  for answers and that is what she wanted so that is what she would get.

Bella sat down to lunch with Ellie at the old dining table. Bella loved this table as it reminded her of the days she spent with her grandfather in the summer they would go lily pad hopping for hours. Oh how Bella loved that, It would always make for such great fun. She always had remembered the time when her grandfather fell in after being told he had to go to work early. He was responsible for getting the bark for the love bracelets and he loved his job
"Oh what a job I have Bella!" He would say,
"I have the most risky job in the whole of these lands"
"Why is that grandfather?" Bella would ask
"Well, you see Bella if I grab the wrong bit of bark it wakes up that pesky squirrel and I get a bite on the nose!" He would say with a smile on his jolly face.
"Oh grandfather you are silly!" Bella would giggle

Bella grabbed a plate of the cupcakes she had made from the shuckle berries she picked from the Enchanted forest the day before and handed  one to
"Oh Mummy these are delicious!" She said as she stuffed her mouth with as much as she could fit.
"Truly amazing!" She muffled
"I'm glad you like them my dear." Bella giggled
"Don't eat to much because you have to go walk molly with Mrs.Humle" Bella stated

Mrs.Humle was the kindest fairy you ever did meet and she had the sweetest dog named Molly.
Mrs.Humle always had some sort of baked goods in her hand wether it be Cookies with deliciously smooth chocolate as filling or Creamed cupcakes with shuckle berry jam inside.
She was quite plump and had a very caring face that Ellie always thought looked like a marshmallow.

Ellie was very excited to hear the news that she would be walking Molly with Mrs.Humle as she always brought her delicious cookies.
When it came time for Ellie to leave, Bella said goodbye and began to phone her best friend George that's she  had been friends since school.
"Hello?" Answered George
"Hello!" Replied Bella
"Listen, As you know my love bracelet never lit up and I need to find answers pack a bag that will get you through a few days and meet me at my house in two days." She told George
"Oh........ok!" Replied George he was always one to joke
"Well I guess I'll see you there!" He said
"Ok, Thank you again. Bye!" Said Bella

She put down the phone and took a sigh of relief partly that she was going to find answers but partly that she had someone she knew very well to go with her.
The next day she woke up before Ellie and packed her bag she packed a change of clothes, a few muffins and a note book. But there was one thing she had forgotten it was who was going to take care of Ellie!, Mrs. Markle couldn't do it and neither could Mrs. Capri. So she picked up the phone one more time and rang Mrs. Humle.
"Hello!" Mrs. Humle said joyfully
"Hello Mrs. Humle I don't have long can you look after Ellie while I'm gone?" Asked Bella
"Well of course I can!"she answered
"But one thing where are you going?"she asked quite puzzled.
"Um, well I'm going to find answers Bye!"
"Your going to find what?....
Bella hung up the phone in a rush she had to go and wake up Ellie and explain what was happening.
"Ellie!" She called
Ellie rushed downstairs straight away.
"Where are you going Mummy?" She asked confused
"Oh you were up," Bella said, "I'm going away for a few days but Mrs. Humle is coming over tomorrow to watch you."
"YES!" Shouted Ellie full of excitement
"Well I'm excited to be with Mrs.Humle but sad you're leaving."
" Don't worry darling it's not for long" said Bella comfortingly."
"Why are you in such a rush Mummy?" Ellie asked
"Because you have school remember it's your last day now get ready we are going soon" she said very fast Ellie almost struggled too understand.
"Oh yes Mummy, I will be ready in two minutes."

And with that Ellie would be picked up from school by Mrs. Humle and would stay with her until Bella got back.
All that was left to do was for Bella to be picked up by George and then the adventure would begin!

The adventures of George and BellaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant