All my memories were up in flames.

Start from the beginning

My eyes were red and filled with tears. I yelled, "I SAID DON'T TALK ABOUT THINGS YOU DON'T KNOW!".

My yelling had alerted everyone. I stomped my way down the stairs. I was about to get of the last step when someone grabbed my wrist.

"What's with everyone and grabbing me." I thought to myself.

I remembered how Namjoon tossed me over his back. I maneuvered both of us so our backs were facing each other. I bent my back and tossed the person over the stairs. I rolled my eyes and looked down at Namjoon.


Although I was proud of myself for tossing Namjoon over my back. I couldn't exactly show it. I made eye contact with him and said, "I'll be taking my leave."

I stepped over him and walked towards the main door. I pulled the door open and


There were, wait lemme count, 1,2,3,4- 8 guns pointed at me. Honestly I was dumb not to expect this. I rolled my eyes and made my eyes shimmer with tears. I pouted and looked at the guards,

"Ajusshiiii~ I just wanna go home.  And ya'll are really making it hard. So unless ya'll wanna get shot move." 

Two of them tilted there head then looked down at my hand," Weren't you the one who killed Yejun in mansion-A?"

I dug a few days back into my memory," Ahhhh~ I did kill a guard a few days back. It might be him. I'm not sure tho"

Honestly me acting cute wasn't working so I wiped my tears, and stood tall. The same two mumbled something and backed off. Now there were only six.

 A bit easier.

The others didn't seem to be moving at all. Me being small and tiny gave me a lot of plus points. For example, being quick. I grabbed the gun of the guy closest to me. Flipped of the safety and fired at the six in record time. 

I personally was okay in combat but when you give me guns or daggers...I'm Hermione-fucking-Granger.

(If yall dont get this reference it means that Eunkyung is really good with daggers and guns)

I winced because of my back. My pathetic excuse of shirt(which actually wasnt mine) was covered in blood. I should've bandaged myself up before causing a scene.


I went through my pockets for my phone, it wasn't there. 


It was being charged back home. That's gone.


My house documents,passports, credit cards, debit cards, my insurance papers and my music is probably all burned up. That means...all my little stuff is burned up too. I sat down in between the bodies and the blood and weeped.

All my things are gone.

 There were way to many emoyions swimming in my head and I didn't know which emotion to act on.

My stuffie, muffin is all burned up. My purple binkie and all my pastel blankies and gone. I got up. This isn't time to cry. I wiped the blood of myself. And just walked I simply walked out.

All my memories were all burned up, just like my body.

I walked through the forest and onto the highway. I don't know for how long I walked but I reached the park near my house. I probably walked for hours. I looked up at my building. It was surrounded my caution tape.

My floor was completely gone. All my things. My music, My Stuffies, My diaries. All the letters MyungDae wrote for me when he was alive. All my memories were up in flames. I sighed and walked to a electronic store.

I picked a phone and told the store keeper that I'd pay him after. The fact that i'm covered covered in blood probably persuaded him more.

I downloaded my Social Media and logged in. I needed a distraction. I went through my gallery and picked a picture.


.kyungie.kyungie. has posted

    Remember when we were happy?

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    Remember when we were happy?

    ❤1,546                🗨569                 


@itboyjeon: Yooooo. You good?

@itboyjeon: That is a cute picture tho? Who is it?

@girl_in_googles: Awwww ya'll are cute. Who is that tho? The boy?

Click for more comments.

I regretted posting. I missed my brother more now. Ugh. I don't have a place to sleep. I was literally homeless.  All my stuff is gone. 

 TRIGGER WARNING!   Mention of suicide

I should've killed myself the day MyungDae died.


I stayed there in that swing. 

For how long?

 I'm not sure.

Long enough for the sun to shine. 

Long enough to realize I've been lying to myself.

Long enough for me to realize I'm weak.

Long enough for me to feel dizzy. 

Long enough for the blood to dry on my back.

Long enough to realize I'm completely alone.


I tried to put in two of my most active readers and give them a tiny part.

I'm sorry i couldnt give you guys a major part.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO was the chapter good or nah.

I have a question.

1)If you could describe EunKyung in 3 words what would they be?

I published it without putting a chapter name by mistake kekeeke

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