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Tyler pulled into the parking lot not long after, his face finally developing a worried look.

They entered the hospital, checked in, and were now in the pregnancy rooms, waiting for the doctor's instructions to push. They gave her some things that were supposed to dull the contractions slightly, and boost the birth along.

Tyler just held her hand, letting her squeeze it whenever she got a contraction.

Man, his hand was going to be sore afterwards.


"Alright, you're going to push again, Jenna." The nurse said urgently, and Tyler stood up. He knew it was probably selfish of him but he felt like a needed a water. His body felt sweaty and his nerves were going bonkers.

"You doing really good, baby." Tyler enthused.

Through all the struggling and the groaning and the crying Jenna shouted, "don't speak!"

Tyler nodded quickly, going over towards the small water machine that was in the room. He had vowed to himself that he wouldn't look at Jenna's junk.— not for any sexual reason, but because he was honestly scared of what he'd see. He knew it wouldn't be what he was used to.

But of course, as he approached the water machine, he seemed to have an urge to see. He wanted to know what it looked like in a way. He shrugged and turned around.

His eyes grew wide at the sight of indeed a mother pushing her baby out. It was honestly traumatizing. He regretted looking, because now he would never think of it the same. He then felt himself become dizzy, the feeling of throwing up, and then the feeling of his legs giving out and his body falling.

He was unconscious.

(Before continuing, I know that was a very lousy description but it is better than going full detail about what her hoo-ha looks like lol.)



Tyler walked ahead as they approached the right side of the trench's wall. There was a curve in the trench, and they were approaching a very watery and rocky ground. It had multiple yellow flowers that Tyler had only seen once in his life.

He had named the flower Jenna, and had been meaning to give it to Jenna but seemed to have forgotten. "Wait, I want to get you a Jenna."

Jenna held her breath for a second, before letting it out slowly. Her back was killing her, but she had stayed behind Tyler so she could be quiet. "A what?"

Tyler turned, glancing over Jenna's figure. "You alright?"

Jenna nodded, letting out a huff of breath in the process. Tyler did a 360 turn, examining his surroundings. He the spotted a cave at least a few minutes away. "You think you can make it there?"  He pointed.

Jenna nodded. She didn't want to speak right now she just needed to sit down.

So, leaving the Jenna flowers behind, Tyler grabbed Jenna's hand and helped her along through the creeks that covered the earth, towards the cave.

As they walked, a splash sound of water hitting water quickly made it to Tyler's ears and he stopped, looking around for anything that could either harm them or very well help them.

"Tyler..." Jenna trailed off, her head down and her legs spread apart to help her legs from getting wet.

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows before looking down to see drips of clear, with a tint of red liquid traveling down Jenna's leg. He gulped, giving himself time to process before he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pushed on towards the cave, except quicker now.

Alive | ør | Asleep  •Jyler• 2/2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz