Vlad has attempted an escape but in the venture he had been shot and killed. It had exposed rogue academy members so the only things to tie up were Pierre and Kaylie.

I didn't hear much else as my exhaustion won over and I fell asleep in the wheelchair.  

I woke on the hospital bed again with Corey curled into my side and Brandon sat in the chair on my side.   I met his eyes as he smiled. 

"Was there much more to that meeting?" I asked.

"No just assignment of tasks.  The Monroe team who has been following leads in Russia involved in a trafficking ring.  They were following a lead for their top suspects new girlfriend.   Turns out it was Kaylie.   Their contact has been apprehended and the ring dissolved but she escaped with Pierre.  They have gone over to the safe house you were at with Pierre.  They want Kaylie.   Alex and Marc are going with them to check for any clues.   The admiral is happy to help clean up any rubbish from the area" he explained.

"Ok what about any leads on Pierre" I asked.

"Dan and his team are working with Shelley.   There's been rumours of a new criminal player in Vienna.  We think that this may be where Pierre is heading.   He has no other contacts in the wind" he said.

"Ok so if he's getting cornered he's going to become dangerous" I said.   I sat there quietly a moment and thought of the time I'd had with Pierre. 

"He won't go to anyone making a name for themselves in the criminal field.  Anyone we may be watching he will avoid.   But he is desperate.  Speak to my dad's.   They need to get to a safe house.   He's either coming for them or me" I said looking back at Brandon who was furious. 

"I think she might be right" Corey said from beside me. 

"Ok I'll call Axel, Corey you call her Dad's with Pria" Brandon said leaving the room. 

We made a call to my Dad's and they agreed we needed to try and predict Pierre's movements.   Derek was also going to make a call to Jay also at my request to ask him to be careful. 

Once the call was finished I snuggled into Corey.  "Are you hungry sweetheart" Corey asked. 

"In a bit.  I've missed my cuddles" I said inhaling his scent and letting it soothe everything. 

Suddenly there was a boom and I felt the bed shake.  I turned my wide eyes to Corey to see his panic.  He shot up as I turned and pulled out my IV. 

Corey pulled a gun from his back and handed it me.  "Hide love" he said before running out of the room. 

Fuck.   I checked my side table and found no clothes.  Shit.  I went to the door and checked the corridor was quiet.   I crept out to find no one.   I got to the end of the corridor and found Dans room.   Sneaking in it was empty.   I checked the cupboards and found jogging pants and a shirt.  I pulled them on with some socks and snuck out again.

I found the doctors office and again it was empty.   My panic started to rise.   As I got to the end of the corridor I saw a hole where a wall should be.   Pierre.

Right this fucker is going down.   I made my way to the hole and again saw no one.  I returned back into the building and down another corridor I hadn't been.   I found the security office and it was locked.  

Looking around I noticed a room sighed storage.   Going in I searched and found some safety pins.   I pulled one out and straightened the pin.  Going back to the security office I pick locked my way in. 

Closing the door I wedged a chair under the door handle and sat in front of the cameras. 

I located Corey near to the entrance gate with the admiral.   Two mean were tied up on the floor and it looked like Corey was arguing with the admiral. 

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