Chapter 63

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Once I had put the pie in the oven I started preparing the macaroons.   I made some original coconut with a milk chocolate and white chocolate bases.  I then made some with glacier cherries and apricot.  

I placed the macaroons in the second oven put on the timer and went to get ready.   Once I was dressed I put on a little make up and my black heeled boots. 

Once the timer went off I placed all I had baked on cooking trays.  I went to see Corey and asked him to put the macaroons in tins once cool.   I kissed him and went through the apartment to the hall and phoned Pierre before leaving.   We agreed to meet a Baileys coffee shop before going to the studio.  

I made my way downstairs after ordering an Uber as Pierre would have his driver so it seemed silly for me to take a car also.

Once I arrived at Baileys I noticed Pierre hadn't arrived. I ordered a mint tea and took a seat so I could see the door. I pulled out my phone and sent a group message to everyone's except Raven, to say I had arrived.

Pierre arrived soon afterwards as his Bentley pulled up to the cafe. I smiled as he entered and he made his way straight to me. I went over and got him an expression and joined him back at our table.

We caught up on the art scene. He said he had been in Vienna opening a new branch and wanted me produce some paintings for a show. He offered to take me to Vienna to paint.

It was nice catching up with Pierre and I asked if he had heard anything from Mr Stuart. He hadn't but said he had spoken to the police.

We finished our drinks and made our way to the studio. It was a quiet day and I had hoped Marc to be there but Steph had said he'd been called away.

I didn't want to have coffee at our place as I wanted to catch up first and then see his reaction to ours. He was so impressed on our tour and seem enamoured with an unknown artist I was displaying. I promised to give him the details.

We went to my office and my private studio. There was a small table and chairs and Steph had organised us some tea. As I was pouring out our tea Pierres phone chimed. I got up to leave and give him some privacy and I glanced to his hand noticing the incoming call was 'Chubb's'.

I left the room wondering why the name seemed familiar. After using the lady's room I was washing my hands when I realised who I called Chubbs. Jay!!

Why on earth would Pierre know Jay. He was a small town high school jock who had won at the lottery and now owned a successful gym. But jay had been seen at the penitentiary. Could Jay have connections where he shouldn't which would then implicate Pierre.

I felt for my phone and realised I had left it on my desk in the office. I would retrieve my phone and red line the boys I wasn't prepared to wait until I had proof I wanted to be careful.

I gulped realising that fear was sprouting within me and I fought to keep myself as calm as possible. Going back into my office I noticed it was quieter and Pierre must have finished his call.

I walked to my desk and couldn't see my phone.  The hair on the back of my neck stood as I felt a shift in the air and turned to see Pierre.  This wasn't the Pierre I knew this cold man in front of me had evolved to something else. 

"Pierre?" I said as I turned to face him fully, curious now to find out if I was in any danger.

"My Angel, I wanted to keep an eye on you to steer you away from danger but you and yours keep pushing you back into the fray.   I intervened when Slice overstepped his position but Beast slipped away.   I was surprised with Beast but it's understanding you seem to catch the eye of many" he took a few steps toward me.  He had my phone in his hand and switched it off before placing it on a nearby shelf.

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