"Ok the rest of the guys are at Kyrgyzstan Naval Base. They have been helping us" he explained.

I calmed myself and allowed Raven to pick me up again. As I allowed the realisation to set in that I was safe I drifted off to sleep with Raven wrapped around me.

I woke in what looked like a military type of hospital.   Raven was asleep on a chair to my left and Marc was on the floor.   I turned my head to notice a couple of bodies in the beds opposite.  My eyes travelled up to the iv in my arm which I presumed were fluids. 

The curtain was pulled on my right so I couldn't see who was next to me.   I wanted to ask how Derek was and get some water but I didn't want to disturb anyone. 

I pushed myself up and felt a sting to my thigh.  I pulled back my cover and noticed a bandage on my left thigh.   I reached over for the glass and jug from my bedside table.   I poured a small amount and drank knowing I needed to take my time. 

I looked over the sleeping figures of Raven and Marc.   I revelled in each line and dent, each contour and each curve.   They were certainly a sight for sore eyes.   I wanted to reach out and touch them but I was so scared they weren't real. 

A few tears escaped as I felt a hand placed over mine.  I shot around to see Axel leaning over me.   "My saviour" I said as I threw my arms around him and my sobs started again.   He stroked my head "ssshhh my love we are here and your safe.   I will do everything to make sure you are always safe" he said.   I leant back looking up into his tear filled eyes.  

"I have every faith in you as my team lead, my boyfriend and my protector" I said with conviction. 

"My love" is all he said before kissing me.    It wasn't as demanding as normal with Axel but it was filled with love.  As he released me I saw Corey and Brandon both crying at the end of my bed.  

I lifted both hands to them "my loves" axel moved back as they took a hand each. 

"I am not leaving your side Senna.  My life is a shadow without you" he placed a warm kiss on my mouth. 

"I love you DB" i said.

"Don't ever leave us again" Corey said and I heard all his vulnerability in his words. 

I pulled him towards me and kissed him.  "Never" I said.  I watched as Raven's arms appeared around Corey's waist. 

Brandon and Marc both sat on either side at the end of the bed each resting a hand on my leg.   Raven sat with Corey in his lap on my left and Axel sat to my right.    I looked around them all.

"I love you all so much" I said.

Axel took my hand.  "Pria you my love had our hearts.  You are our future" he placed a sweet kiss to the inside of my wrist.   I smiled at him. 

"How's Derek?" I asked.

"The one you were brought in with?" Marc asked.  I nodded.

"He's doing ok.   He lost a lot of blood but both bullets were straight through and hit nothing lethal.   With some rest and physio he should be fine.   He's not happy about resting with Pierre on the loose but physically he is lucky" Marc said. 

"Good.  He got me through those woods I couldn't let him die" I said.

"I nearly died when you stopped running to go back for him" Raven said.  I heard some anger but he knew we would have all done the same thing. 

"Ok we need you to eat and rest for now.   We are hoping to have a meeting in a couple of hours.   Derek wants to be involved so we're congregating in his room" Axel explained.

"There is a couple of things" I said sceptically.  I looked at all my men as I knew I didn't want to tell them one thing but I had to. 

"Pierre had started to become attached to me.   I decided to play it safe and not give them reason to hurt me.   Knowing I was in Russia and being threatened with death I thought it was the safer option.  Pierre began to think I would become useful to him and possibly an alley.   He kissed me.  I didn't reciprocate but I didn't push him away either.   I never wanted that but he had done it in public and if I gave him any reason he would have killed me.   He was hoping to exchange me for Vlad initially but then he was contemplating on keeping me for him and Vlad" I took a deep breath not being able to look up.

"Pria.  We all would expect you to put your life above anything.  We understand you were in a situation that forced you to change your behaviour.  I can't say any of us would like it but we understand" Axel said.   I looked at them all and they showed no signs of disgust or disappointment.  I sighed.

"The other thing is Kaylie was in Russia.   She was trying to get in the good books of Igor Borovich after using Pierre for the invitation.   I don't know if she is still there" I trailed off.

"Fuck Igor is dangerous and what the hell is Kaylie up to?" Brandon spat. 

"Well you don't have to worry about Igor he's dead.  Kaylie was under pseudonyms Carmel Santorini" I explained. 

"Are you sure about Igor.  He's been on thr FBI and Academy wanted list for a long time" Corey asked.

"Gunshot point blank to the head" I said shrugging. 

"Ok well we can pass this information over in the meeting.   Marc and I need to check on Derek and liaise with the Admiral.  Brandon and Corey will stay with you.  Raven get some sleep on the other bed" Axel said. 

Axel and Marc both kissed me before leaving.  "I'll go search for some food sweetheart" Corey said before kissing me and Raven. 

"Please get some rest" I said to Raven.   He kissed me and went to the opposite bed before lying down. 

I smiled at Brandon before reaching out my hand.  He moved to my side and took my face in his hands. 

"When this is all over shall we speak to the guys about a holiday.   We need to time together I think" Brandon said.

"I think that's a good idea.   Would you mind coming up here and cuddling" I said.

He beamed before moving me forward and sitting behind me placing his legs either side.   I moved on my side as he wrapped my arms around me. 

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