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"Your heart
and my heart
are very,
very old friends."

- Hafiz


Jennie gulped as she watched the smooth dance lines of the blonde girl in front of her.

This was a mistake. She should've never shown up to dance club.

Kai had asked her to come watch him dance to this new "challenging choreography" that he was told to practice. Jennie came fully intending to watch her boyfriend, but instead, she was distracted.

You can't really blame her. The sight of a sweaty Lisa, hips slowly rolling to the beat as her messy hair swayed from side to side...

Jennie's heart fluttered as she watched Lisa fix her bangs with her slender fingers. It was probably the most attractive thing that Jennie had ever seen in her life.

"Hello? Jen? Are you there???" Kai frowned.

The brunette shook her head, snapping herself out of the spell that Lisa put on her.  "Y-Yeah sorry. I was just thinking about... something."

The boy pouted. "I saw you watching Lisa. Is she better than me? Be honest."

'She's way better.' Jennie cleared her throat. "You're both good baby."

"Baby? You two sound cozy." A tall blonde figure interrupted as she leaned against the mirror.

Jennie widened her eyes in surprise. "Lisa! We were just-"

"Oh no, don't mind me. I didn't mean to pry. Congratulations, by the way. I'm happy for you both. Kai, you've got a good girl on your hands. You better treat her right."

The boy scratched his nape nervously.

His previous encounters with Lisa haven't exactly been pleasant. Their first conversation was at lunch, when Lisa humiliated him for not knowing Jennie's preferences. Their second exchange was in front of the lockers, where Lisa almost beat the crap out of him for suspected infidelity.

"O-Of course. She deserves it." He said with a ghost-of-a smile.

Jennie opened her mouth, but she couldn't bring herself to say anything. Lisa was congratulating them. Lisa didn't care that she was with Kai. Lisa is giving them her blessings. Lisa is happy for them. Lisa- no.

"You're so much better than I remembered." Jennie blurted. "A-At dancing, I mean." She awkwardly cleared her throat. "I-It was very... captivating... I guess..."

Lisa chuckled.

"She means it, by the way. She was watching you the whole time. I was practically invisible, like your back-up dancer or something." Even though the boy was only joking, his tone was laced with bitterness.

Jennie could feel her cheeks heating up. Busted.

"Keep your eyes on me next time too. I'll give you a good show~" The blonde smirked cockily before flashing Jennie a playful wink.

She left without giving the brunette a chance to respond. And to be completely honest, Jennie was too stunned to reply anyway.

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