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"Screaming, crying,
perfect storms...
I can make all the tables turn."

-Taylor Swift


Jennie was avoiding Lisa like the plague.

Just yesterday the Thai felt on top of the world. Jennie was back and fully recovered from her sickness. They stopped at Starbucks before their lecture and had a blast. Her dream girl spent the whole day at school with her, completely disregarding Kai's presence. It felt like them against the world. But now, everything was falling apart again, and Lisa had no clue why.

She tried talking to the brunette, but Jennie would immediately avert her eyes elsewhere. That, or Mr. Kim's bodyguards would relocate her to create distance between the two.

Lisa felt her soul shatter into a million pieces. The look on Jennie's face could only be described as absolutely heartbroken and devastated.

There was only one logical explanation in Lisa's mind. 'Kim Jongin. You're fucking dead to me.'

She took long strides towards the Australian boy, gripping his collar before slamming him against the lockers.

"The fuck is your problem dude!?" Kai shouted with his face scrunched up in pain.

"My problem? You have the AUDACITY to ask what my problem is!!?" Lisa threw a hard punch against the locker beside the boy's face, and he cowered in fear. "I'll fucking tell you what my problem is."

He gulped as Lisa leaned closer towards his face. If looks could kill, Kai might as well be dead on the floor with a spear through his skull. "Why in the world does my gi- bestfriend look like her life just ended. What did you do? HUH!!?" The Thai's teeth were grit, practically snarling at the petrified boy.

"W-What are you talking ab-"

"JENNIE. I'M FUCKING TALKING ABOUT JENNIE." Lisa was shaking, like a ticking time bomb that was about to go off. "What did you do? How did you break her heart? Did you kiss another girl or something??? How could you even think about hurting such a precious-"

"No! What the hell!!! I would never do that." Kai insisted. Lisa scanned the boy's face, looking for any trace of insincerity.

However, before she could even let him go, they were interrupted by a fuming kitten.

"Lisa! What the hell! You're hurting him." Jennie exclaimed as she rushed towards the boy. Lisa immediately loosened her grip on Kai's collar.

"I-I was just-"

"I don't want to hear it. Not now." Jennie stated coldly.

"But I thought he-"

"Even if he did, that would be none of your concern. Leave me alone. Can't you see that I want nothing to do with you?"

There it was. Another dagger to Lisa's heart. She just wanted to protect Jennie. 'But of course, I failed. I always fail. I'm a failure. I can't even protect her. Now she doesn't even want or need me anymore. I didn't protect her. All I did was hurt myself.'

"Right. I'll go then... I'll... leave you alone. I'm sorry. I hope you'll find someone better than me in the future." Lisa bowed, hiding the tears dripping down her cheeks. She quickly turned around before rushing out of the entrance of the school.

Platonic | JenlisaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin