Chapter 7

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"Since we'll be in port for a while," Leo said, sitting at Jason's desk, "why don't we go on a little adventure?"

Jason frowned and propped himself up with his elbows. "A little adventure? To where? This island is creepy." Lupa's port was a weird little island that attracted loners and outcasts. There really wasn't much on the island at all.

Leo drummed his fingers on the hardwood. "Well, supposedly there's a fortune teller on this island. Her name's Delphi. We could go get our fortunes read!"

"You really believe in that stuff?"

"It's a lot more fun if you do."

"I don't know. I think I need to stay on board in case something happens."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Dude, Reyna's back. She can handle anything. You need a break!" Jason supposed that was true. He hadn't spent much time on land in the past six months, he was starting to tire of constant movement of the boat.

"Oh what the hell," Jason said, "I'm in. But first I need to talk to Reyna."

Leo went to fetch Reyna and Jason stood, taking his sword off the wall. He didn't know much about Delphi, but he thought he should be armed just in case. The gold sword was a gift from his father, Zeus said he had it with him all the time he'd spent hunting pirates on the water. Jason wondered if this was the sword that killed Percy Jackson's father. A light tap on the door jolted him out of his thoughts.
"Come in!"

Reyna stepped in, back in British Navy blue, and smiled at him.

"Good to be back?" Jason asked.

"Oh yeah. You know, when I agreed to join your crew, being captured by pirates wasn't on the agenda."

Jason snorted. "Unforeseen consequences. Once we get the necklace we can finally be done with this place."

Reyna leaned against the doorway. "You excited to go home?"

"Yes. I'm tired of this godforsaken place." And my dad will finally see I'm just as good as he is, Jason thought. He cleared his throat. "Anyway, Leo and I are going to do a little exploring, will you make sure nothing too exciting happens?"

Reyna smirked. "Of course. I've limited Dakota's rum access and Octavian is working below deck. I honestly don't know how you ran this boat without me."

"Bold of you to assume I did."

Reyna clapped him on the shoulder. "Go have some fun, Jason. I got this."


The old boards creaked underfoot as Jason and Leo walked towards the town. They were dressed in simple clothes, brown tunics over white shirts, to blend in. It would be a pretty poor idea to wear their full uniforms.

"You know where this Delphi is?" Jason asked.

Leo gazed out over the town, a mist hung in the air obscuring some buildings. It was disturbingly silent. "I think if we just walk towards the center of the island we'll find her. Supposedly she lives in a tree house or something."

"A tree house, huh? I'm intrigued."

They continued on in silence for a few moments before Leo piped up. "Jason, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, of course man. What's up?"

Leo kicked a rock ahead of them. "I just- what's going to happen when we get back to England? I mean... you'll go back to court right? And Reyna back to the military, what's going to happen to us? To the crew I mean?"

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