Chapter 3

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Annabeth woke with a lingering happiness that was somehow tied to Percy. At the moment he was asleep on his side, an arm slung over his pillow, his black hair smooshed to the side of his head. The black trident tattoo on his well-muscled back stood out against his tan skin, the center prong vaguely distorted by the vertebrae in his neck. She wanted to trace the tattoo with her fingers, to wake Percy up and continue what they'd done last night- pull yourself together, Annabeth thought, you have business to take care of. As quietly as she could, Annabeth slipped out of bed and got dressed, a brown tunic over a white shirt and black pants tucked into her knee high brown boots. Running her hands through her tangled hair, she crept down the hallway and back into the tavern where Piper was prepping for the day.

"Have a good night?" Piper asked, eyeing her unruly hair as she set a plate of bacon and bread in front of Annabeth.

Annabeth snorted. "You want the details?"

"Ugh. Spare me that please." Piper dried her hands and leaned over the counter. "But I know you didn't just come here for Percy. You want to talk shop, right?"

It always surprised Annabeth how perceptive Piper was. Back when Annabeth was first learning to be captain and Piper had just taken over the tavern, they'd spent many nights together. It was a mutual decision to end the affair, so they'd remained good friends. Which was why Annabeth trusted Piper with this.

"You're right. I heard from a fairly reliable source that Reyna Ramirez-Arellano is on assignment on Circe's Island. Have you heard anything?"

Piper's expression became guarded. "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Annabeth, you can't go to Circe's Island. Don't you know how dangerous that is?"

"It's only dangerous if you're not a woman. And I've dealt with Circe before. Besides, if everything goes according to plan, I won't even see her."

Piper sighed. "You have too much confidence in yourself. But yes, I've heard whispers about Reyna's presence there. What are you planning to do?"

Annabeth shook her head. "I can't tell you. But I have a plan."

"Well, you always do."

Annabeth pushed her plate back and stood. "Thank you for breakfast, I gotta go check on Percy before I leave. And Piper?" Annabeth glanced over her shoulder. "I'd appreciate it if you kept our conversation... between us."

Piper winked. "What conversation?"


Percy was still passed out when Annabeth entered the room, a line of drool connecting his mouth to the pillow. He looked so peaceful, his face soft with sleep, and Annabeth didn't want to wake him. But she had to. Annabeth had told her crew they'd drop the lines in an hour, and while the boat certainly wouldn't leave without her, it would be unprofessional to show up late.

"Percy," she murmured, shaking his shoulder.

"I'm sleeping, mom," he mumbled, turning away from her. Annabeth rolled her eyes and grabbed the glass of water from her nightstand. After making sure she was out of stabbing range, she tossed the water on to Percy's sleeping head.

"Who-what!" he spluttered, shooting straight up.

"Morning seaweed brain," Annabeth said, a little pleased with herself for coming up with that one.

"I-you-" he glanced down, realizing he was wet. "You threw water on me?"

"Sorry!" she raised her hands. "But you weren't waking up."
Percy pushed his wet hair out of his face. "Well, I'm awake now."

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