Chapter 26

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Lucas opened the back door and revealed the fluorescent lights into the van. I squinted, trying to adjust my vision.

"Welcome to the L-13's," He said with wide arms. We all hopped out of the car and into the fluorescent lights that lit up a huge garage with 3 vans inside. All the same and all black.

"This is where we keep the cars. We have a specific amount of people out at night which is usually when we get supplies every week or so," Lucas said. The garage was an open area with high ceilings. It was organized with a few tools that are oily. They probably have people that work on the vans if they get damaged. On one of the walls, there was a tall, metal sliding door. Jamie pulled it open letting us in. The room next to the garage was open. It also had high ceilings that could be 20 feet high maybe more. There were the same fluorescent lights but it gave the concrete room a better lighting.

"The lower two levels aren't as nice at the sleeping quarters. These are underground because we always have the lights on so we don't want to draw attention. Down here, we usually hangout. We have ping pong, TV, and video games. Trying to keep teens entertained isn't that hard," Lucas said. There were a few kids inside, staring at us. They were playing cards and listening to music on the stereo. There was another metal sliding door and it led to a room that had four mats on the ground and punching bags around it. It was a big room but still completely concrete.

"This is usually where we train. We fight in here, we build up strength. We need to for the operations we do going in and out of the labs," Jamie explained. I looked at Lydia and she looked at me.

"Ok, prepare yourself. These are the sleeping quarters," Amy said, looking at me. She slid the last metal door to reveal tons of kids running around and hanging out with their friends. There were broken windows in the 100 feet tall building. All different colors. Half of the building had a square with a hole in the middle with doors that were leading to different rooms. There were 3 doors. One on the left from us and two on the right. The building looked like the warehouse but it was bigger. It was maybe 100 feet wide and 300 feet long. There were bright christmas lights hanging everywhere, giving enough light to see everything. There were some guys drinking beers and girls walking around and talking. Some younger kids were playing tag. There were maybe 200 kids in the crowd and they were free. Some were using their abilities and some were just being normal.

"We call this place 'The secret' indicating that this is our secret. Nobody talks about what happens here. The two doors on the right lead to the communications center and the cafeteria," Emily said, staring at Trevor.

Lydia automatically looked at the door that led to the communications center. It was probably filled with computers and I knew she would spend her time there.

"We have about 500 kids here and because of that we have 3 different breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. We all have jobs to help out and we have to train at least once a day. Other than that you're free to do whatever you would like," Amy said.

"What's that door leading to?" I asked, pointing to the door on the right.

"That's Amanda's office. Which is where we are going right now," Lucas said, giving me a small smile. I returned his smile. He opened the door, letting us through. There were 3 doors in the hallway. At the end was an office that had a fuzzy glass door. On each side of us, each door was another training room. But these were different. They didn't have punching bags or mats. They had nothing except a cart which was filled with who knows what. We walked down the wide hallway and Lucas knocked on the glass door. There was a voice that said "Come in."

Lucas opened the door and Emily, Amy, and Lucas all walked in with us. Jamie walked back, telling Lucas something that I couldn't hear. He closed the door behind him. Trevor stood next to me and Lydia was on his other side.

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