Chapter 19

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As soon as I got out of the shower, my cheek was throbbing. The punch from Trevor didn't hurt at first but the guard made it worse when he put a lot of pressure on it. Now it's like a shooting pain in my face. I throw on the faded white, large shirt and black shorts that I grabbed before going into the shower. I left my hair the way it is. Loose and damp, falling past my shoulders. I opened the door and turned off the lights, about to walk into the room that had the beds and TV until I heard a small snoring in the room. I walk out quietly and see Lydia deep asleep on the large bed that she didn't even take up half of. I look around and notice that the TV is on, flashing different shades of different colors across the room, and Trevor sitting up in the bed. I looked at him and admired every part of him. I admired the way his hair was messy enough to let me see pieces of his eyebrows, how his biceps flexed with small movements, his wide eyes enough to let me see where his dark brown eyes ended, his sharp jaw, his thin nose that complimented his features, his faint abs going up and down with every breath he took. He tore his eyes from the TV and looked at me. Our eyes met for a few seconds before he gave me a small smile. I walked over to the bed and slowly sat down next to him. His eyes followed every movement I made and then found my eyes again as soon as I was in the bed, next to him.

"How do you feel?" He asked, turning the TV off.

I hesitated before answering so I could tell him the truth. "I don't know," I admitted. I really didn't know. The anger was being suppressed again and once the anger was gone, it left a trail of numbness like always. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the backboard of the bed. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down when he swallowed and his jaw clenching and unclenching every few seconds.

"Did you think about going with him?" He said.

"No. I could never leave you and Lydia after everything," I say with a surprised tone. He opened his eyes at my response and looked over at me.

"I wouldn't blame you if you thought about it."

"Well I didn't. You aren't getting rid of me that easily Trevor," I try to hide the tiny bit of anger that was forming outside of my walls.

"I just... It's safer for him without me," I said, calming myself down. Trevor shakes his head when I said my thoughts.

"It's safer for you in Mexico. Not with me. I just wish you would have gone," He said, looking down at me. I felt shock spread through my whole body. I didn't understand why he said that considering that only a few days ago he said he loved me. If you love someone, don't you want them with you? Then my thoughts shifted on me. He does love me... that's why he wants me gone from this. He wants me safe. Even if it's without him.

"You're right. . . it is safer for me in Mexico but," I paused, reaching for his hand and tangling our fingers together.

"I wouldn't trade anything that has happened for anything. I chose to be here with Lydia. With you. And I don't regret that choice."

He looked down at me and I sat up a little as soon as he did. His free hand reached over to cup my cheek and his thumb moved in a relaxing motion across my cheek. He leaned in and I met him halfway, letting our lips touch. It took me a moment to actually kiss him back. He kissed me like he wanted something more and I knew I wanted it too. I untangled my hand from his and put it on his arm, feeling his biceps flex under my hand. His lips drifted from mine and touched my jaw and then my neck and then my collarbone before reaching my lips again. His hand then fell from my cheek and reached my waist. His hand slowly moved under my shirt and up my back while my hands were in his cotton soft hair. His hand was gentle but rough against my soft skin. But I still loved the feeling. He pulled away from my lips, resting his forehead against mine. We were both out of breath when our lips parted. I could feel the smile on his face creeping up, asking for something that I was already thinking about. I brought one of my hands down and placed it on top of his that was resting on my waist under my shirt.

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