Chapter 6

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Lydia was so quiet in her sleep, I sometimes thought she was dead. I looked back almost every hour to make sure that she was still breathing. When I did that Trevor always laughed at me and said, "She is just a really deep sleeper, she isn't dead"

"Yeah, you're right I'm just being paranoid," I said, my brows drew together while I was trying to sort all of my thoughts. I felt his eyes drift over to me.

"What's wrong," he asked, switching his look between me and the road. I didn't look at him when I responded, I just folded my hands in my lap and fiddled with my fingers.

"Nothing, just...stuff on my mind," I said

He didn't buy my lie. "Tell me what happened in the warehouse," he said.

I could never get anything passed him. It's like he could read my mind. But that wasn't all that was on my mind.

"The guy...he woke up and I didn't notice the gun he had on the table. He grabbed his gun and tried to wake the other guard up but he kept drifting in and out. Once I heard the safety switch off," I paused to take a breath. I didn't feel tears coming but I could feel anxiety at his words. They will kill everyone you know.

I could feel Trevor put his hand on my shoulder and then I met his eyes. He looked back at the road and I turned my face back down to my hands that were now clenching in and out of fists.

"When he switched the safety off, I shot him in the arm. He doubted that I would actually shoot him and he probably didn't think I could aim but I had some training with my dad. He dropped his gun on the floor and then he picked it up, but before he could aim at me, I shot him in the chest. In an area I knew wouldn't kill him instantly," I said.

With every word I grew angrier to the point that my hands were full fists and my knuckles were white. He looked over to where I was staring and he put a hand over my fists. His soft skin made my hands relax a little.

"You did what you thought you had to do," he said with an assuring tone

"The thing that is bugging me is what he said. He said that Jason and Luke will kill everyone I know and...," I paused for a moment and looked back at Lydia.

He was like me. He had a sibling to protect. Maybe not the nicest sibling but he still loved her.

"Trevor?" I said

He looked over at me for a second and his brows drew together in a curious expression.

"What is it?" he asked

"There is something I never told you. I didn't know if I could trust you because I didn't know if they put you up to something," I said, looking out the window and back at him

"Put me up to what?" he said now with curious eyes

I took a deep breath before explaining to him my theory. I didn't know if he would be mad or understanding.

"I thought that they told you to get close to me. That maybe they wanted some dirt on me. Because there was nothing to hold over my head since I told them I was an only child. They had nobody to threaten," I said. And then he interrupted with a smile.

"You're trying to tell me that you have a brother," he said

I was shocked that he knew. My expression told him everything. I swear I could even feel my jaw drop. His dark brown eyes met mine and he just gave a small chuckle.

"I've known for months, Amber," he said

"" I managed to get out

He looked back at Lydia and then back at me.

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