Chapter 13

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"Amber!" I heard Trevor shout, with anger in his voice. The teenage boy with blonde hair pointed the gun at Trevor and commanded him to stay where he was. I could hear his low growl.

"Are you guys with Fallen Labs? The WildFires?" The teenage boy said. I tried to focus on him but all I could focus on was the stinging pain in my cheek. He was strong, I could tell you that. He punched me again when I didn't answer. I couldn't focus on anything now. I could barely focus on the voice that was behind me.

"We escaped The WildFires. We are trying to get somewhere safe and we came here for supplies and to spend a night out of Georgia. We are just like you. Scared teenagers, running from Fallen labs and The WildFires," I heard Trevor say. The teenage boy holding the gun to my head, dropped it to his side before putting it in his waistband. He shouted at people that I couldn't see in the dark.

"You guys can come out now. They are just kids," The boy with the blonde hair yelled. That's when I noticed 3 more dark figures come into the aisle. One was a girl and the other 2 were twins. One was a girl and the other was a boy but both had the same green eyes and dirty blonde hair.

I felt the boy who punched me, pick me up and try to steady me.

"Sorry for the punch. I thought you were someone trying to take us," He said. His voice was deep and sincere.

I gave him a faint smile before he let me go, trying to see if I could stand on my own. I finally regained some feeling through my body, enough to let me stand on my own. He stepped back to join the group that was behind him, and all the lights turned on as soon as he did.

"I'm Jack. The girl with the brown hair is Peyton and the twins are Layla and Cameron," He said, pointing to each kid when he said their name.

I felt Trevor come up behind me and introduce us. "I'm Trevor, this is my sister Lydia and this is Amber."

I picked my gun up and put it in my waistband, before the other kids could manage to grab it.

"So why are you here?" Jack asked. His light blue eyes found my dark brown eyes. Trevor looked at him and let out a low growl before I looked up at him and shook my head.

"We just needed to get out of Georgia. They are putting roadblocks in about a day or two and we had to get out as soon as possible," I said.

Jack narrowed his eyes towards Trevor and then looked back at me before turning around to talk with the group. I could hear them whispering but I couldn't get a clear conversation, considering that I couldn't focus at all except on the sting that was in my cheek. It was more painful than usual but that's probably because my healing process is sped up so the pain comes fast. Jack turned back around to face me.

"You guys can stay here for 3 nights. Take as many supplies as you need but only if you don't tell anyone else we are here. We are trying to lay low for a while," He said. Trevor looked at me and I looked at him. I turned back to face Jack and nodded at his one condition.

"Do you guys want to join us for dinner?" Peyton asked. Her brown hair was long and it matched well with her hazel eyes. Lydia responded to the question before Trevor and I could.

"Sure! I will go help set up with you guys," she said. Lydia, Peyton, and the Twins both turned around and walked over to the little campsite they set up.

"Amber, why don't you come with me. I will go get an ice pack for that cheek. It's the least I could do," Jack said. I felt Trevor take a step forward, putting me behind him. I saw his jaw clench in anger before he could get a sentence out.

"I think I can help her with that," He said with anger in his voice that he couldn't hide. Jack met Trevor's eyes at the same level, considering that they were the same height. He gave a little chuckle before saying, "I think she can answer for herself. You know, without her bodyguard speaking for her." I could feel Trevor get more and more angry with his words. I saw him clench his fist and that's when I turned back to Jack saying, "Sure, I'll go with you. Can I have a moment with Trevor though?"

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