Chapter 12

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I jumped into the van and looked behind me, making sure that Jared and his things were there. I felt the engine come alive and turned back to face the front of the house. I felt the car move backwards, out of the driveway, and then speed forward.

"Go straight for a mile or two and then make a left," Lydia said, holding the map in her hands.

"Are you ready for this?" Trevor asked looking over at me. I looked at him and gave him a faint smile before giving a sigh and saying, "Yeah, I think I am."

I turned on the radio and before I could turn the volume up past a whisper, Jared asked me something.

"What's the song for today, Amber?" He said, giving a sad smile. I looked back at him before giving him the same sad smile.

"Runaway baby by Bruno Mars," I said, turning back to the radio and searching for the song I just said. And of course, it was playing on the station that always had Crazy Train playing at least twice a day. I turned up the volume and for the whole ride, I kept playing the song in my head.

It took only about 30 minutes to reach Fulton-county, brown field airport. I was the first one out of the car, walking to the back to get Jared out. I opened the back door and he jumped out while holding his duffle bag. I heard the driver door slam into the car and saw Trevor come around to the back to get Lydia. They walked behind me and Jared and stopped in front of the car. Trevor leaned against the hood while having an arm around Lydia. I stopped in my tracks when I reached the crosswalk that connected the parking garage and the entrance to the airport. I turned Jared around to look at me so we could say what we needed to say. I adjusted the jacket he was wearing and even though he was an inch or two shorter than me, I still tilted my head down a centimeter or two, letting our dark brown eyes meet.

"You remember what to do right?" I asked.

"Go to gate 32 and someone will be there waiting. They will ride the plane with me until I find Aunt Jenna in DFW airport. Don't worry, I know what to do. I'll be careful," He said.

I gave him a faint smile before forcing him into a tight hug. He returned the embrace with the same force.

"I love you. So so much. To the stars...," I said.

"And to the moon," He said, letting go of me.

"Take care of yourself Amber," He said.

I nodded and then he walked into the airport, without looking back. I turned around and slowly walked towards Trevor and Lydia.

"Lydia, why don't you go in the back. We'll leave in a few minutes," Trevor said.

"Don't go smooching and leave me in the back ok?" She said in a teasing tone. Trevor slapped her in the back of the head.

"Ow! Fine. I'm going. Jeez," she said, muttering under her breath. I laughed at their sibling bickering. Trevor walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"You sure you don't want him to come with us?" He asked.

I gave him a faint smile and put my hand on top of his and nodded.

"It's safer for him. I don't want him around this," I said. He gently pulled me closer to him, resting his chin on the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him and breathed in his natural smell that I craved so much.

"You ready for a road trip?" He asked, with a bit of a laugh in his voice. I let go of him and he let go of me.

"Let's go to California," I said, smiling at him. We walked back to our sides of the van and Trevor started the car as soon as I got in.

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