Chapter Five- The Malfoys' Past

Start from the beginning

I hugged her, and said, 'Thank you! I'll be back in a moment, I promise!' I ran towards the door.

'Only Draco!' she called after me.

I waved as a sign of acknowledgement.


'Draco! Draco!' I knocked furiously at the door.

Draco opened the door and I could see he has just woke up. 

'What is it?!' he seethed. ' Oh, its you. What's the matter? It's five in the morning, for Merlin's sake!' he grumbled.

'Its like this,' I explained the whole story.

After he understood what I said, he looked back into him dorm, to check that everyone else was sleeping. He turned back, and nodded. 'I'll solve it,'

I hugged him tightly, and I could see him wince lightly of shock. After he had recovered of his slight shock, he patted my head gently. ' Why, Lira, you've never hugged me before. And the first time you hug me is because I've done you a favor,' he smirked.

I looked back, preparing to retort, and realised something shocking. His cheeks was paler than ever, and his eye bags showed.

'Draco...Is anything the matter? You look ill,' I asked him, concerned.

He looked stunned for a moment, then smiled. ' I am fine,'

I frowned. Something is not right, and I know it. I clutched his left forearm, and he jerked it away from me.

'As I expected,' I whispered softly.

My memory brought me back to that night.

It was a dark, stormy night. Our feelings were just like the weather, Draco and I. That was the night The Dark Lord summoned us. Draco thirteen, I nine. Dad and mom brought us there by Floo Powder, and I could never forget the sight when we reached our destination. 

The Dark Lord beckoned us to come closer, and I was shivering, not because it was chilly, but of fear. Draco held me close and we went in front of  the Dark Lord together.

Draco and I kneeled before the Dark Lord, my eyes darting to the floor. I didn't dare to look into the snake-like eyes, for I was afraid of him.

Finally, the Dark Lord spoke. 'Young Draco Malfoy. I am about to make you my follower, a Death Eater. Do you stick to this decision? As if you do, there's no going back,' 

I looked at Draco fearfully. He clenched his teeth, and said, 'Yes, my Lord,'

'Come here,' he hissed. 'It shall hurt a little, but it is to prove your bravery,'

'Draco!' I screamed. Everyone's eyes were on me.

'Well well well. Young Lirana Malfoy. Must have cost an amount of bravery to scream in front of me.I value bravery. Pettigrew, chain her to the opposite wall,' the Dark Lord said.

'My Lord-' my father interrupted.

'Don't you interrupt, Lucius! Have I not proven what I am going to do, and you will be in my debt for what I shall do? Pettigrew, do it immediately! Young Malfoy, sit here,' 

'Yes, my Lord,' I saw Draco walking to the chair reluctantly, and as he sat down, chain-like vines bound him to the chair. I saw the shock and fear in his eyes. 

I, on the other hand was being chained by Pettigrew, struggling without avail, body being chained into a T shape. I was frightened out of my wits, although the chains didn't hurt.

'Lira!' Draco was afraid I'd get hurt.

The Dark Lord was already working on it, taking out the brander and burning it until it was scorching red, and before any of us were ready, he plunged the brander into the flesh of Draco's left forearm. He screamed. His piercing screams filled the night, and I couldn't bear to see him in such agony. 

I screamed back, 'Draco!', only to be slapped by Pettigrew. The place he slapped was burning, all I could see was stars. After the stars faded away, I could see him trashing around in his chair in agony, and saw for myself how painful it was. Before that, Draco never screamed, even if it hurt badly.

A few minutes later, the Dark Lord took the brander away from Draco, and released the vines with a flick of his wand. Draco fell onto his knees, and my parents helped him into a seat, as he was weak and feeble. The Dark Lord moved his attention to me, and stood next to me. 

'Well, well, Young Lirana, you've seen it, do you still desire to be one of my clan?'  he smirked.

Under pressure, I nodded.

'You do, do you? Then I'll have to see if you could live to the name,' 

He took out what I recognised as a Muggle knife, and stabbed it into my left forearm. My screams echoed through the room as the Dark Lord drove it in deeper. I could see my blood staining the wall, and the pain was beyond endurance.  I wished I could die there and then, anything to stop the pain. He deepened the cut with every scream that escaped me, and I would just scream louder.

After what that felt like years, he pulled the knife out, and said, ' Young Lirana, I give you another few years before you can become a Death Eater. You're certainly not ready for it yet,' he released me, and said, ' I put a non-self healing ointment on that knife, so it may be some time before it heals itself. Remember, young Lirana, to never interrupt or question the Dark Lord,' 

After that, he dismissed everyone. Mother and Dad helped us home, while Draco was weak, I was bleeding copiously. I wasn't brought to St. Mungo's, as Dad said , 'The Dark Lord's magic is much more powerful. The only way is to wait it out,' 

Therefore, I was put in bed, bleeding and getting weaker by every passing second, with a stronger Draco beside me. I was cold ,with all that blood flowing out of me, even the bandages mom bandaged for me were soggy with blood and it still didn't stop flowing. Draco sat next to me,wiping the sweat off my forehead, as I tried to ignore the stabbing pains in my arm. Every time I slept, I would only scream myself awake five minutes later from the nightmares, and Draco would be there, comforting me and trying to get me to sleep once more.  

Two days later, the bleeding stopped, but I was still pale and weak from overbleeding, I couldn't even move. After a few days of Draco caring for me, coaxing me to eat and drink and feeding me, I slowly recovered, having a light scar on my arm as evidence.

This ordeal was the reason Draco and I were close to each other; we felt we were at Death's door together.

'Lira, I don't want you to get involved, just like the time I got my Dark Mark,' Draco said, worriedly but determined.  He's always protective of me, rather get hurt himself than watch me get hurt.

'But-' It was the first time I had nothing to convince him.

'I've to go to my detention with McGonagall, Lira,' he gave me a brotherly hug, and added, 'You should accompany Courtney,' and left.

I watched him leave and wondered what the Dark Lord ordered this sixteen-year-old boy to do, with the memories of the terrifying night haunting my memories once more.


Yep, the horror is over. For now.

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I shall or shall not be updating next week, as my schedule is fully booked, but I shall still try my best.  :D

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