"Your right. she's your kindergarten crush."

"Your so stupid."

They both continued to silently walk down the hall as the shearched an explored the place, that was until Carlton spoke up.

"...you know about the day that Micheal was taken?"

"Yeah of course I do the animatronics were acting up so much that day."

"That day screwed me up so much- because I know I could have stopped him from being taken and kil-killed"

John turned away as they both stoped near one of the rooms and he went to look at something, Carlton just stood there and watched him, shining his flash light at where John stood.

"What do you mean that you could have stopped it?"

"I- I saw that rabbit on the day Micheal went missing and before that the rabbit had never been out and used. So that means, that murder furry took Micheal and I could have stopped it! but I was too stupid!"

"Carlton you were a kid there was nothing you could have done, trust me, I know... and the person who wore that suit to take him has probably had karma come and hit them hard."


"Yeah I know but- wha- hey! Hey! get the hell off me!"

John turned around and saw Carlton being attack by the old blood stained rabbit and John just stood there frozen with fear and confusion as Carlton jabbed his elbows and punched the dead thing as he tried to get it of him.

"What are you doing John help! Charlie! Lamar! -ugh Mar! Jess! Come on some one help me!"Carlton screamed as he struggled against the old possessed suit.

And John stood there.

Then his fight or flight instincts kicked in.

He ran.

He ran like a cowered.

He ran to save him self.

He ran to get help.

While Carlton fought against the dead thing that possessed the suit, alone.

The paw of the suit manged to cover Carlton's moth and nose as the other went around his neck choking him.

The world around Carlton started to blur out and cave in, his ears started to ring and as it became louder and louder his senses started to seemingly disappeared.

This things going to kill me just like it did to Micheal...I'm going to die alone and no one's going to know.

But before Carlton completely passed out he saw a kid.

No, not just some kid it was Micheal but he was covered in opened wounds and blood his clothes tattered and torn. he was transparent, he was dead.

Then black. Carlton had finally passed out as the rabbit dragged his limp body into one of the back parts and services rooms.

The rabbit spoke out only saying 4 words in a raspy and horrid voice," let the madness begin..."


"I-I...Those poor kids..."Bryan said as he started to feel guilty and horrible for the poor people who were hurt by the man standing near him, but these weren't his emotions.

No they were aftons. Empathy is a strange thing sometimes but it can be a wonderful thing. It's a curse and a blessing.

"I know....and I can't tell you that I'm sorry because that wouldn't fix anything..."

The room when silent again as Bryan decided on what he would say next.

"Do you know where this Carlton guy last lived or any thing like that?"

"Yes I actually do. His "full" name was Carlton Burke his father, Clay Bruke, was a private detective and his mother, Betty Bruke was a district attorney. He used to live in hurricane, Utah ... or was I ohio.."

Bryan grabbed the remote from his bed side and he pressed the red button on the device that was supposed to alert the nurses that he needed one of them, and then if it was like magic he heard knocking from the door as a man then walked in after Bryan told him he could come in.

The man wore the usual outfit that nurses had and he had a clipboard with him. He was tan, had blue eyes with dark brown hair that stood in a nice bun.

"Hello sir, my name's Nakia and I'm going to be your nurse for the day and tonight."

"Hi, im Bryan I'm so sorry about calling you up but could you get my work bag. I need to grab my computer."

"Oh Don't worry you didn't interrupt me from doing anything I was actually on my way to see you to inform you about some things."Nakia said as he grabbed the said bag and gave it to Bryan.

"Oh-uh really?"

"Well yeah that's why It didn't take me a long time to get here after you presses the button, anyway so about what I need to inform you about.."

"Okay I'm all ears then"

"Every morning at 6:00 am on the dot we have to take blood so that we can monitor you wounds and so that we can check it for infections and things like that."

"I mean not disrespect when I say this but- 6:00 in the morning, why!?!"

Nakia chuckled as he responded to what the injured man had said with,"I know it sucks but hey we have to do our jobs. The doctor should come by sometime tomorrow and they will explain some other things like as to why you're here."

And after a few more minutes of small talk Nakia had left the room leaving Afton and Bryan alone once again.

"Your make friends with everyone you meet."Afton remarked after watching their interaction.

"That's what happens when you grow up in the south."

"Maybe you could tell me about your child hood in the south later since I told you about those kids."

Bryan instantly tensed up and panic and pain flashed in his eyes as he said,"NO! I'm sorry but no...i can't, there's some stuff that's just- hurts to remember."

"It's okay Bryan. You don't have to I understand how bad some childhoods can be."

"Thanks... And I uh-maybe one day I could tell you... It's just I don't want to break down in the hospital and have a nurse walk in on that because they can sometimes last for a couple of hours."


With the conversation ending Bryan started to work on his computer as he shearched the web for the thing that's been eating at him, Who really is Carlton and could Bryan get in contact with him?

Words: 1567

Hello guys and gals and my non-binary pals this is going to be the part where I say the very important thing and that is thank you so much for being here and reading my book I made you have no idea how much every view, vote and comment makes my day 100 times better!!!

I've always struggled with my mental health and many things in my past that still haunt me and many other things that I won't get into but every time someone views or votes or even comments it makes me run and jump around my room giddy and happy and I love those moments so much and they wouldn't even be happening without y'all and I just want to give Every single one of y'all a hug!!! It warms my heart to know that people actually somewhat enjoy my au and my book!!

(The character Nakia belongs to me. He will not be a main character or a character that the plot will focus on too much he's just the nurse.)

Some things about the hospital will be based off my time when I stayed in the hospital for over a week.

Have a great good day and or night y'all are so amazing!!!

Sticks and stones |TTF A.U| (being Rewriten as another book)Where stories live. Discover now