Chapter 19

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Rahul's pov :
Next week started with our usual routine work. More than me, she was hell busy and her body doesn't seems fine but she didn't tell anything to me.

She is not even sleeping for 5 hrs. Her eyes are covered with black shades.

On Wednesday, I slept early because of my work. We don't even get time to talk with each other. I curse myself for our schedule.

I suddenly woke up and looked at my watch. It showed 1AM and I saw her sitting under a light and writing something. I saw her eyes swelling. Screw her.

"Rithu, it's already late. Come and sleep. See your eyes in the mirror, it's begging you to sleep, don't you hear that?" I said to her. She looked up at me.

"I told you many times that I have this case hearing on next week and I didn't collect any evidence till now. You sleep" she said tiredly.

"See, you need to take rest so that your brain will work fast. You are not giving any rest to them, then nothing will strike up" I said politely trying to feed her.

"I will sleep in few minutes. You go ahead" she said and again concentrated in her books. Hell with this girl.

I slept without minding her. I got ready in the morning but I saw her sleeping deep. I thought to not disturb her but she will scold me if I don't wakeup her.

I tried to adjust her blanket and felt her heat body. I touched her forehead and it was burning. I sighed heavily. Without knowing what to do, I left her sleeping.

I went to work after telling my mom to take care of her. After an hour, she called and shouted at me for not waking her. I asked her to stay at home but she didn't obey my words.

In the evening, I went home early and saw her sleeping in the bed. I immediately sat and touched her forehead making her jerk away.

"Idiot, don't touch me with your freezing hand" she said.

"I m not freezing but you are burning. I asked you to take rest" I said concerning about her.

"I know Rahul. This case is very important. I'm dealing with land mafia case. They took 17 lives already. I need to save other peoples life and that's why my health matters nothing to me"she said shocking the hell out of me.

"What? Why don't you take small cases. First case turned as accident and now second one with mafia. I can't always protect you Rithika" I said seeing her expressionless face.

"Don't worry, I will take care of myself" she said.

"Yeah, my foot, I can see your care now itself" I said angrily. She held my hands.

"Rahul, understand me. No lawyers are willing to take this case but I did because I took this profession only to save innocent peoples. I vow to myself everyday that I'll help them. They bought a land by working very hard for years but those rich peoples took their lands away by threatening them. How can I avoid them when they approached me? I can't see their tears, you know. My fever will reduce in two or three days but their unmarked feelings won't subside if I backstab them" she said tiredly.

"I can understand but at the same time, I can't be able to see you again in my hospital bed. Just take care" I said. She smiled and nodded at me.

"So what now? Eat something and I will give you some tablets" I said. She made a weird face.

"I don't want anything. I feel like vomiting" she said in her melodramatic voice.

"I will prepare soup. Wait here" I said and went to kitchen.

I fed her soup and massaged her legs and foot. She slept in that process.

Two days passed, her fever is not reduced but she was adamant to take even a single tablet saying it will automatically reduce.

I took care of her all the time. Even in that condition, she worked with her weak body.

"Take atleast a tablet. You don't have to come hospital for this. Don't be adamant on this" I said.

"Noo, it will reduce tomorrow. My fever will last for only 3 days" she said childishly.

Without arguing further, I gave her lunch. After lunch, I prepared pomegranate juice and dropped two tablets for fever without her notice.

After mixing for few minutes, I gave her. She drank it and thankfully she didn't found out. It's better to raise a kid than her.

She slept because of the tablet. I patted her for few minutes and slept beside her. I told Rishi to take care of the hospital. For Saturday and sunday, my dad will take care of it so that everyone will be free.

In the evening, I took her to our separate house since it is friday. Shreya scolded her for her carelessness and she started giving her many fruit juices compelling her.

"Rahul is much more better than you" she whined at her. But her fever not seems to be reduced soon. It might be a viral fever. I continued giving her tablets hiding in the fruit juice. Shreya laughed at me.

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