"Sam's right," Jo says, smiling, "Just ignore anything Cassie says. She's probably not even considering what comes out of her mouth." 

Amy nods, looking a bit happier now, and Jo turns her attention onto me, "By the way, Dex. I was raised Candor so I can see through peoples' lies. I know Plato only asked me and Phoebe to join the group to stop you asking a question. Plato's not here right now so...what were you going to ask?"

I'm shocked that she even remembered-to be honest, I, myself, had completely forgotten even though it was only question. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sam's shaking his head, but, as usual, my mouth opens before I can even think about stopping it and I ask, "Are you and Phoebe a couple?"

Jo and Phoebe exchange a stunned look, and then Phoebe bursts into peals of laughter. 

"Oh no," she says, smiling, "I'm fairly sure I'm straight, and though Jo is bi..." she trails off, and looks at Jo, signalling that she should finish the sentence. 

Jo shrugs, "Phoebe's not really my type," she looks at Phoebe and then says, "No offence."

Phoebe smiles, "None taken,"

"Well I'm glad that's out in the open," Sam says loudly, whilst sending a pointed glare in my direction. I just look at him confused. 

At that moment, Plato returns. "Found Cassie," he says, sighing, "but she doesn't want to return yet. I'm going to go and get her a drink and try and get through to her," he pauses and then asks, "You ok, Amy?" She just nods. 

"Are you and Cassie in a relationship?" I blurt out. 

Plato looks shocked, "Um...no?" he says, "Should we be?"

"Dex!" admonishes Sam, "How can you even think that? They're are no signs!"

I shrug, "I'm not great at judging relationships," I admit, "I thought everyone in Amity all loved each other because everyone hugged all the time." The rest of the group laugh. 

Plato gives us a nod, and then heads over to the bar. After getting something for Cassie, he turns and heads out of the Pit. 

"Amy," whispers a voice quickly, and we see Lyra sitting at the next table, beckoning her over. Amy blushes slightly and heads over to Lyra, who points over to the bar. 

"So what are signs in a relationship?" I ask, puzzled. 

"Well..." Sam begins significantly, and it's clear he's about to embark on a long lecture when Amy returns smiling. 

"Isaac, Brooke and Edgar are over at the bar. Lyra's friend, Violet, is going to spike Isaac's drink," she announces, giggling. 

"What? " says Phoebe, aghast, but the rest of us grin. 

"Why only Isaac?" I ask. 

Amy shrugs, sitting down, "I guess she's only got enough for one person and he's the worst of the bunch."

"Lyra's friends are so cool," Sam says to Amy, whilst Jo nods, smiling. 

"Guys," interrupts Phoebe, "We can't just spike someone's drink!" 

"Well technically it's not us doing it, it's Veronica," says Sam. 

"Violet," Amy corrects quietly. 

"But we can't just sit here and let this girl spike his drink!" Phoebe protests. 

"Why not?" Sam asks. 

"He deserves it after everything he's done to us," I say, rubbing my shoulder where a bruise it starting to form from him beating me up today. 

"I know he's done stuff to you-" Phoebe begins. 

"Us." I correct, "He's beaten you up too, or have you forgotten that?"

"Fine. Done stuff to us, " Phoebe says, " but that doesn't make it right to spike his drink! Think about how he'll feel when he wakes up tomorrow morning."

"Like hell," I grin. 

"Look Phoebe, I get your point," Sam says, "But the guy deserves it, and let's face it. Plato isn't here to back you up, Phoebe." He turns to the rest of us, "Let's do a vote. All in favour of letting Veronica-"

"Violet!" hisses Amy, more exasperated than angry. 

"Sorry. Violet spike Isaac's drink?" Everyone except from Phoebe raises their hand. 

"And against?" asks Sam, smiling slightly as he already knows the answer. Phoebe raises her hand defiantly, and glares at the rest of us. 

"Sorry Phoebe," says Jo, "Looks like the rest of us don't have the same moral compasses you have."

"Fine," says Phoebe, "I'll stop her on my own,"

"Hey!" Sam protests, "That's not the point of the vote! This group's a democracy not a dictatorship!"

"And who are you?" Jo smiles, "Our leader?"

"It's too late anyway, " Amy says to Phoebe, looking over at the bar, "Violet's done it."

"Just sit down, Phoebs," says Sam. 

"Don't call me that," Phoebe snaps. Sam looks taken aback by her aggressiveness, "Fine. If I can't stop her spiking it, I'll stop him drinking it!"

"Umm," says Amy. 

"What?" growls Phoebe. 

"It's hard to judge from all the way over here, but I'm fairly sure he's finished the pint and has just collapsed on the table."

Phoebe stares at her, aghast, and begins marching over to the bar. 

"Hey!" calls Sam, "Where are you going?"

"To carry him off to his dorm," she shouts back, "I might as well do something!"

We watch as Phoebe heads over to the bar, and puts Isaac's arm around her shoulder, and, struggling, carries him out of the Pit. 

We all stare after her. Sam shrugs, bemused and then he says dreamily, "Maybe love never dies." I raise an eyebrow. "What?" he says defensively, "Just a suggestion."

"Yeah, a rubbish one," I say. He glares at me sourly. 

Plato returns to the table, holding an empty glass, "Cassie wants to be left alone," he explains, as he sits down at the table. There's a pause, and then he looks at all of us, "So, what have I missed?"

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