Holding Onto You Chapter 24

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He finally got himself in control and sat up, still on the floor. "Your face is not funny just the way you made it when you thought I was going to undo your zip."

"So you weren't going to do anything?" Of course he wasn't, right?

"No, I knew you'd stop me." He said in an obvious voice.

I stood up from my chair ready to leave. "Obviously I'd stop you. Just because we're friends now doesn't mean it comes with benefits. Now let's go. The bell is going to ring soon."

"Wait I need a book from here to help me with my speech." He started going through all the books on the shelf.

"What speech, you're suddenly the school president or something?"

"No but I'm running for vice president. I joined the campaign last week." He sounded really excited and I wanted to smack him.

"Are you crazy? Why would you do such a stupid thing?" That's so lame.

He stopped reading the back of one book and looked at me. "To get respect. Because respect is the most important thing in life. If I do this they'll all see me as more than the bully who stole the school heartthrob. I know that Vincent has helped a lot in making them all look at me with less hatred but I need to do something for myself."

"Does Vince know about this?" I doubt or the roof of this school would be off.

He scratched the back of his head guiltily. "No."

"Okay that's it, you're withdrawing today. Let's go." I took his hand and started pulling him out.

He pulled his hand out of mine and shook his head. "No Finn, I'm doing this, with or without Vincent's permission. I'm doing it for myself. And even if I lose, I'll still get respect. That's all I want."

With the determination in his voice and eyes I knew he wasn't going to listen to me. "Well at least run for president."

"Ron is running for president, I can't run against him, he's my friend." Who's this Ron guy?

"Vincent can kick him out in no time." Who does he think he is.

"No." Brian said defensively and blushed when I raised my brow at him.


"Because he's my friend and besides, being president is too much responsibility, vice president is good enough." He didn't know who he just told that to.

"I will make sure you become the president if I have to commit murder. And that's a challenge." I said and laughed a very evil laugh.

"You're completely crazy Finn. Let's get out of here." He had a book in his hand that read 'second in command'

I skimmed the shelf and spotted the book 'Grace For President.' I took it and followed Brian to the front desk where we both checked out our books with him rolling his eyes at mine.

"Hey are you going to tell your parents about Vincent?" I asked him as we exited the library. At least he didn't have to worry about his parents being homophobic. I smiled at just how crazy that sounded in my head.

"I will but first I need to know Vince is serious about our relationship. If he wants to be with Hunter then we're going to let them be together. Before any of us get really hurt. I mean it's going to be hard giving him up because I love him but I want him to be happy." Is he serious.

"But I want to be with Hunter." I wasn't giving him up.

"Even if he falls in love with Vincent." He said it so calmly like he already accepted it. "When both the people in a relationship love each other, no one can come between them. Not even if we love them very much. You said yourself that they have this connection that's stronger than any friendship or relationship we share with them."

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