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Hinata walked to school on a cold Wednesday morning feeling like he forgot something. He clutched his bag, and frowned. He tried to remember his morning to remember if he forgot something. His brows furrowed, and he shut his eyes. 

He started to hear footsteps run up behind him. He glanced back to see Kageyama  running up to him. He instinctively started sprinting towards the school in an effort to beat Kageyama. He felt his feet slam against the ground as he swung his arms back and forth. He felt his heart rate increase. 

Once they got to the school Hinata yelled, "I won!" as he stopped.

"No! You didn't!" Kageyama protested.

"Yes I did!" Hinata insists. Kageyama scowled. Hinata sighed. "Fine. We tied." Hinata gave in. Kageyama rolled his eyes. 

The two went to the gym, and worked on the quick attack until the rest of the team arrived, and practice started. Hinata was a little off while he was practicing. He was busy worrying about what he had forgotten that morning. 

"Dumbass!" Kageyama called to Hinata.

"Agh!" Hinata jumped. "What?"

"Get your head in the game!" Kageyama pulled Hinata's hair.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Hinata exclaimed.

"You're not focusing at all!!" Kageyama scowled. 

"Sorry!" Hinata said, and Kageyama let go of Hinata's hair. Kageyama rolled his eyes and walked away.

The rest of practice was quick. Hinata went to his first class, with a lot of anxiety built up in his stomach. He couldn't shake the feeling that he forgot something.

His first class was english, and he had a quiz. He's terrible at english, so he's also super worried about that. When the teacher passed out the quiz he felt his heart beat really fast and his stomach dropped when he looked at the questions. He barely knew the answer to any of these.

He silently cursed his bad study habits, and started on the quiz. He skipped the first question. He didn't know the answer.

What did he forget that morning?

He answered the second question to the best of his ability.

Was it something important that he forgot?

He went back to the first question, remembering the lesson from a few days before.

He hoped he didn't forget homework for one of his classes. Or his lunch.

He looked around the room, and no one looked as worried as he felt. 

Maybe he forgot his phone? No, his phone was in his pocket.

Why is it so quiet in this room? Why are there no noises? No... There was a noise. The noise of someone tapping their pencil. How annoying is that?

Why is he worrying so much? It's almost as if he didn't take his medication.

His medication.

He forgot his medication!

Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! He thought silently. He would just have to wait until he gets some time alone to take the medicine.

He glances at the clock on the wall, and he only has a few minutes left to finish the quiz. Three questions left. He can do this. He can do this.

He looks over the questions, and they're super difficult. He does his best to answer the questions, before the time runs out. He sighs. He knows he got most of them wrong. 

Depressed HinataWhere stories live. Discover now