| NINE |

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Hinata's mom let Kageyama walk with her and Natsu to the hospital. They were gonna stay at the hospital the entire day until Hinata woke up. Natsu didn't really understand what was going on. All she knew was that her brother was hurt and in the hospital. She had taken a liking to Kageyama, clinging onto his back while the three walked to the hospital. 

The three sat in the hospital room by Hinata's bed. It was about noon, and Kageyama and Natsu were sitting next to each other. Hinata's mom was sitting by the bed, holding Hinata's hand.

"Kageyama nii-chan! Tell me more about your volleyball team!" Natsu begs.

"Natsu, don't be mean to poor Kageyama-kun." Hinata's mom smiles.

"It's fine, Hinata-san. I don't mind." Kageyama says. Kageyama goes on to explain about the volleyball team's members.

"Maybe someday you'll get to meet them." Kageyama finishes.

"They all sound so cool!!" Natsu's eyes sparkle as she grins.

"They are." Kageyama confirms. "I think they would really like you."


"Really." Kageyama nods. 

"Yay!!" Natsu smiles really wide. 

The three hear a loud yawn from Hinata, and they all turn to look at him.

"Where am I?" Hinata asks.

"Shoyo!!" Hinata's mom exclaims.

"Nii-chan!!" Natsu jumps out of her chair and walks over to the bed.

"Hi?" Hinata asks. 

"Oh my god, you're awake!" Hinata's mom exclaims. Hinata sits up, and Hinata's mom wraps her arms around Hinata. "I'm so glad. I was so worried, Shoyo. Never do that again, you hear me?!" She exclaims. A look of realization washes over Hinata's face as he smiles nervously.

"Okay, mom." Hinata responds.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan! I missed you!" Natsu smiles. 

"Aww, I missed you too!" Hinata responds.

"Kageyama nii-chan is super nice!!" Natsu jumps up and down. 

"Kageyama? Nice?!" Hinata says, looking up to see Kageyama across the room. Kageyama waves. "Oh... Hi!" He says with a fake smile. 

"Hey." Kageyama responds. 

"Mom, I don't want to be rude, but I think I have to talk to Kageyama." Hinata says, keeping eye-contact with Kageyama.

"Yeah, I thought so. Me and Natsu will be outside. When you guys are done talking, invite us back in." Hinata's mom says.

"Okay. Thanks mom." Hinata says.

"But, why are we going?" Natsu asks, being carried out the room.

"We'll be back in a bit, Natsu." Hinata's mom responds.

Once the two are out of the room, Kageyama walks over to beside the bed.

"So... hey." Hinata says.

"Yeah. Hi." Kageyama responds. "Will... will you tell me now?"

"I guess I have to." Hinata responds. "I have depression and anxiety. And, I just tried to kill myself. I guess that's kind of it." Hinata leans his head down, smiling faintly. "Why did you save me?"

"Why?" Kageyama asks. "Wait, really? Are you kidding? Why would I let you die? You're my best friend, my teammate, and my partner. I would never let you die." Kageyama explains. 

Depressed HinataWhere stories live. Discover now