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"Scorpius" said Draco and Hermione.

"Draco, I think you should go"

"No, you should"

"Fine, you'll be the one explaining to everyone why we have, you know-"

"Okay, you should go, they're waiting"

Hermione hurried out of the room.

"So, umm, Mione's just doing an errand, and apparently it's my job to explain to you what happened 13 years ago"
Draco started.

"What happened 13 years ago?"
Asked Harry.

"Well, it's sort of a long story..."

"Remember that New year party we go to every year?"

"The one we always host at Grimmauld place?" Asked Ginny.

"Yeah, that, one, well, in that party 13 years ago, I hooked up with Hermione, but we were tipsy, it was a one-time thing, and then, 9 months later, I found out, I had a son. Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy."

"I whisked him away to France, to my Mother's estate, and well, he goes to Beauxbatons Academy, but since Hermione and I got back together, we decided to bring him back so he could go to Hogwarts instead"

Everyone was quiet until footsteps emerged from the hall.

Hermione walked in with Scorpius.

He was tall for 13 years old, he had his father and grandfather's blonde hair, but he had rich, caramel brown eyes, the same as his mother's.

"So, this is my son, Scorpius."
Said Hermione.

Everyone stood up to greet him, to get to know him better.

But one was held back. Albus.

Why you ask? Well, he was smitten with Scorpius at first sight. Long story short, he had a crush. On Scorpius.

They all talked for a while, Albus got to know him a bit better and they became fast friends.

At lunch, they all sat together, and after, they went to their respective houses, because it was Christmas, and Christmas was happy day of gift-giving.

So they stayed in the mansion for the night, and in the morning, all was well.

Welp, i guess that was the ending! I know adding in a Scorpius Malfoy thing was a bit off, tbh, but I REALLY SHIP ALBUS and SCORPIUS SO 😍😍😍😍

I hope the ending wasn't too lame, and tell me if i should make an epilogue, or a sequel, or anything. Thank you for sticking to the end of this story.


- Roan 💜

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