Chapter FIVE

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Ginny's POV

I was strolling in Hogsmeade with Harry and the kids. They wanted to go to the Three Broomsticks for butterbeers so I agreed. I walk in to see if there's an open table for six when I see a horrified face. It was Hermione and Draco. Yes, I know they are in a relationship, Mione told me. I told Harry to take the kids to the counter to get the butterbeer. As Mione saw Harry and the others turn around, she mouthed a frantic "thank you" which I returned with a wave. She led Draco out of the pub and I smiled. I sat at one of the tables and let Harry bring the butterbeer.

Hermione's POV

That was a close shave. I was practically horrified. Draco knew this and he pat me on the back saying, " I think we should be going back, love"
I nod and he leads me to the outskirts of Hogsmeade. I have another brilliant idea. If we came in through the Honeydukes Cellar, why not leave through the passage in the Shrieking Shack? I wanted to surprise Draco again so I just stopped. He sensed me standing still and I wordlessly lead him by the hand to the shrieking shack.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
"You'll see" I say as we walk by the other shops. He sees the shrieking shack. He stops and his pale face becomes whiter.
"Whats wrong?" I ask.
"I dont want to go to the shrieking shack, there are--ghosts. They threw mud at me" he says, mortified at the memory. I remember what happened when in third year, Harry in his Invisibility cloak threw mud towards Malfoy and his cronies. I laugh while remembering.
"That was Harry in his invisibility cloak!"
Draco's eyes widen.
"Pot-Harry has an invisibility cloak?"
"Yeah, now come on" I say. I find a door at the back of the shack, although it was locked. I stare at it and said, "Alohomora" pointing my wand at it. It opened and I immediately recognize the surroundings. I wince as I see dried blood in the corner, Snape's. I forgot Nagini bit him here. I kneel on the floor and just stare at the spot. Draco notices and he kneels beside me. As I look in his eyes, he asks what is it. I look down at the floor on the spot.
"Snape. This blood is Snape's"
His eyes became somehow misty. I stand up and Draco follows suit. I walk down the rickety stairs and inspect the floorboards for a trapdoor. Draco was wandering around the room. I found the spot and I opened the door. Draco kneels and looks at the opening. We fall in together and start the walk through the tunnel.
"Where does this end?"
"Whomping Willow"
"That thing hits"
"A simple Immobulus Charm will do the job"
We reach the end of the tunnel and I point my wand and cast the charm. We walk out safely and start the walk back to Hogwarts.

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