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The familiar pull of apparition stopped and the Potters and the Weasleys found themselves in a derelict alley, not far from muggle London. As they took in their surroundings, the Zabinis and the Thomas-Finnegans materialized in the alley(they were involved because Nick and Jamie were involved too, also, quick note, all the adults became friends after the war).

They exchanged small greetings to each other before Blaise spoke up.

"Hey, what's this so called surprise?"

"Yeah, its getting me really curious"
Said Seamus in his really thick Irish accent (just had to add it in 😂).

"If we say it, it won't be a surprise"
Said Ginny.

"Woah, when did Ginny become a prude to surprises?" Asked Dean jokingly, earning him a smack in the head from Seamus.

"Her words, not mine," said Ginny, pointing to Lily. (This actually happened in the other chapter tho 😂😂)

"So, where are we apparating?"
Asked Pansy.

"I think Ted will apparate us there"
Said Luna.

"Are you sure? He just passed his test recently" voiced Ron.

"Why is Ted going to be the one to apparate us there" asked Harry.

"Because the location is for us to know, and you to find out," said Albus and James, in surprising unison.

"Well, let's go!" Said Jamie.

They all held hands, and they were tugged into the pull of apparition.

They appeared in another alley, yet it was a tad bit cleaner and neater. As they walked out, they were met with some kind of subdivision, somewhat like Privet Drive. All the houses were peach and had brown roofs. They walked into the neighborhood, taking notice of the fancy cars in some garages. As the group walked, the kids were huddled with each other, leading them.

Making sure that none of the adults could notice, Lily pulled out the photo they found in Mione's room. They had a slight worry, all the houses looked similar. They looked around for a long time, when James spoke out.

"Look, its up ahead, the one with the peonies in the front garden!"

They walked slightly faster so the adults would notice that they fell behind. They got up to them. They got to the seemingly normal peach house, and Lily rang the doorbell.

Siriusly guys, thanks for over 300 reads and 63 votes! It really means a lot ☺️☺️
I honestly thought this wouldn't blow up, but, a big thank you to all my readers!

Professor?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant