aUtHoR's NoTe

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Hi! Thanks for checking out this story! This is my first time writing a story, so im sorry if its cringey and really bad. I have a written version of this so I can just copy this out, and I'll be updating maybe every 2 days? Yeah im not very consistent HAHAHA. So, this is just some stuff you need to know :)

Hermione Jean Granger
Professor of History of Magic

Draco Lucius Malfoy
Professor of Potions

Harry James Potter
Head of the Auror office
Married to Ginny Potter
Has 4 kids:
Theodore Remus(adopted)
James Sirius
Albus Severus
Lily Luna

Ginevra Molly Potter
Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet
Married to Harry Potter

Ronald Weasley
Keeper for the Chudley Cannons
Married to Luna Lovegood
Has 2 kids:
Alice Rose
Molly Pandora

Luna Lovegood
Editor of the Quibbler
Married to Ronald Weasley

Theodore Remus Lupin-Potter
Hufflepuff 6th year

James Sirius Potter
Gryffindor 5th year

Albus Severus Potter
Slytherin 3rd year

Lily Luna Potter
Ravenclaw 3rd year

Alice Rose Weasley
Gryffindor 5th year

Molly Pandora Weasley
Hufflepuff 2nd year

Minerva McGonagall
Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Neville Longbottom
Professor of Herbology

I found the cover pic and the pic above on the internet. Harry Potter belongs to you know who.

Edit: was reading this bcoz i wanted to do smth, and i completely renounce JKR. Just sayin. I removed the smiley face bcoz just no habibi ❤️

Sorry if this is a bit short :)

- Roan

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