"Surprised to see me so soon?" He smiled at her, cocking an eyebrow, as she simply kept her poker face back at him.

"Oh, not at all. I've actually heard Laurens had... Ya know..." She shrugged, averting her eyes for a moment as her sarcastic smirk grew more and more, "Dumped you? She actually took longer than I thought to do so." She noticed how he secretly locked his jaw under the confident smirk, "Aaaw, did the baby boy get his heart hurt this bad to run to her?" She flakily pouted, but it quickly cracked into a scornful smirk.

He snorted and rolled his eyes, his confident smile not flickering once as he crossed his arms, "You wish, doll. Weren't you the one who said to not be attached? I just moved on to the next in line."

The girl simply hummed in agreement, even though she knew he was lying. "Sure. So, how is Madison doing?" She asked, deep down actually wanting to know how her godfather was, but did not let it show she cared much by her voice, making it sound as if she was only following the book.

"He's good, he's good," He nodded, not making it a big deal either as he smirked, "Ya know... Being the president and all." Todd made sure to give the proper emphasis to the word 'president' to see Mary's reaction, but once he didn't get what he was expecting once she kept looking at him unfazed, he decided to instigate further and tilted his head to the side with a curious expression. "We never really got the chance to talk about it before you moved from DC. It is still a mystery the reason why your father decided to step down, isn't it?"

"What even are you talking about now?" She asked slightly narrowing her eyes at him and his smug smile grew a bit.

"What? Are you gonna say that never stopped to think about it? He never gave an official explanation after all..."

"Of course I know that." She rolled her eyes, venom rolling in her voice as she said so, "I meant, where do you wanna get with this conversation? It doesn't sound like one friends would have after years apart."

"Oh, so we are friends now?" He pretended to look surprised and placed one of his hands over his heart.

"No, not even close. Now spill what you know, Todd." Mary ordered in a demanding manner, looking at him dead in the eye with a stone expression.

He smugly smiled and stood in silence for a moment, only looking back at her face before he measured her, "You really have no idea, do you?"

She groaned and tilted her head, "Look, I have more important things to do so if you have anything important to say I would really appreciate if you say it already. If not, you can just go back to the hole you came from."

"Wow, little bit feisty today, aren't we?" He teased and Mary's expression didn't change an inch before she turned around and walked away, fed up with Todd's non-sense, whenever he said from his spot, "Have you ever heard of Sally?"

Mary stopped in her tracks and turned her head, looking at him through over her shoulder. "Who?"

"Miss Sally Hemings," Todd said calmly walking up to Mary, his hands once again in his back and stopping in front of her as she followed him with her eyes, tilting her head to the side as a request for him to keep going. "She used to work in the White House back then, and I've heard she had something to do with your father's resignation."

They stood staring at each other in silence until Todd raised an eyebrow in an amusing manner and Mary snickered, hitting his arm with her shoulder as she passed by him.

"Well, you're welcome, doll!" He shouted in a sarcastic tone.


Violetta was sitting at the benches at the side of the small field, eating an apple and watching the boys practice just as she usually did even before the head-nurse ordered her to just in case any of them got injured, which happened quite often. Mary was also there, mindlessly playing with a coin, exchanging it in between her fingers in a fast movement and repeating it from side to side. She found out at a very young age this small exercise calmed her nerves down and helped her to concentrate on one thing at the time, and not having multiple thoughts at once running over each other and causing powerful migraines.

Carrying the Legacy: The Revolution ContinuesWhere stories live. Discover now