Chapter 29- One Day

Start bij het begin

Steven sighs as he begins to sweat again, "Ok.. uh, well, proposing is a special act that should be done in a way that is both meaningful and... romantic."

Spinel's expression becomes focused, "Ok.. I'm listening."

Steven smiles faintly. He goes into more detail. "Good. So, once you have a nice environment and the right mood, you need to be smooth and confident for the next step.." Spinel nods quickly and listens attentively. 

"You need to get down on one knee, pull out the ring and say 'Y/n, will you marry me?' this." Steven gets on one knee and holds the ring out in his hand, "Y/n, will you marry me?"

Spinel begins to process everything he was telling her, "That's it?"

"Well, it could be.. You don't have to go straight in with the ring, you could give a heartfelt speech, or sing a song to her.." Steven nervously laughs, "...maybe you should go to someone else for advice on this, cause last time I proposed I got rejected." Steven rubs the back of his neck, trying not to dwell on the thought.

Spinel sighs and takes the ring from Stevens hand, "So, when do I give it to her?"

Steven shrugs, "Well, whenever you feel that you're both ready to marry and be together forever.. I guess."

Spinel puts a hand to her chin in thought, "So... right now?"


Spinel gives Steven a confident look, "I'm more than ready to spend the rest of my life with her."

Steven looks around frantically, "Um, maybe you should wait and build up to something like this? This is a life-changing decision!" Spinel furrows her brows, "You have a point.. she might not be ready."

Steven sighs in relief, "It's a good idea to wait a little, you need to plan out everything to be the best, and you need to practice... Plus you two haven't been dating that long yet.. you need more time in a relationship." Steven pats Spinel's head, "It'll be okay, just take some time to think it over... and to plan everything out eventually." He gives Spinel a big hug, "I love you Spinel.." He pulls back, "If you do this, you better be the best wife for my sister, take care of her."

Spinel smiles and punches his arm, "Of course I will, you dummy, I love her." Both laugh happily and Steven makes his way inside.

Spinel smiles as he walks away, but as soon as he's out of sight, her face falls and she just stares at the ring.

"A life changing decision..." Her eyes shine a bit and her gaze shifts to the beach. It was such a special spot. She met the love of her life there.. and she had her first kiss with the love of her life there too.

She couldn't help but smirk as she focused back on the ring.

"One day." she whispers as she shuts the case and carefully puts it in her gem.


Spinel turns when she hears the door open and your voice accompanying it. Her smile only growns. "Hi sweetheart."

You were still wrapped in a blanket and looked pretty sleepy. Spinel laughs and opens her arms for you, "Come here dolly."

You slowly make your way into her arms. Usually you thought of yourself as this small-- but tough human, but right now.. you were perfectly fine with being a big baby.

Spinel kisses your cheek and rests her head on yours as she sways back and forth. You let out a big yawn, feeling like you could fall asleep right then and there.

Spinel pinches your cheeks and nuzzles her nose against yours "You're so cute Y/n." You giggle, "Look who's talking." You pinch one of her cheeks back, "Heyyy, I'm not as cute as you. I'm just a silly clown!"

"Exactly." You wrap your arms around her neck and lean into her, starting to nod off.

"Oh my gosh.. precious." Spinel coos, making you grumble. She giggles, "It's alright, I'm really enjoying this."

She kisses your face until you start laughing, "You have the most beautiful laugh dolly." You continue laughing as she kisses your face even more.


How saucy. 

I'm BACK ha ha ha.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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