chapter 87: contrast

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yes, I was-" Seokjin glared at Byulyi. "If you have problems with my tone of voice, I guess I'll stop talking to you at all then."

Byulyi stared at Seokjin for a few seconds, in utter shock and disbelief. She had absolutely no idea what had gotten into him. Weren't they on pretty good terms right before they left? Their relationship had even developed to the point where she could tell him plenty of things she couldn't even tell Jieun. She thought they were getting closer... but the trip had seemed to ruin it all.

Maybe, she was wrong after all.

"Fine!" Byulyi threw down the towel. "Stop talking to me then! I never wanted to talk to you either, anyway."

That hurt.

"Well, same for me-" Seokjin choked the words out, in contrary to what he felt in his heart. "I never even wanted to move here anyway, if not for JK."

Byulyi stared at Seokjin with angry tears in her eyes.

"Move out then."


"Chungha-ssi, good morning!"

"Ah... good morning, good morning-" Chungha said hastily as she hurried to her seat.

"Hoseok sunbae-nim, good morning!"

"Good morning, everyone!"

That stupid guy, Chungha thought to herself. She had told him to wait a few minutes before coming in after her. How was this minutes? This was barely even seconds.

Chungha took her seat quickly and took out her things at once, trying to avoid eye contact with Hoseok as much as possible as he took his seat in the cubicle next to hers.

"Wah! Chungha-ssi! Hoseok sunbae-nim! Your clothes today-" Chaeyoung pointed out as she came close. "Both of you are wearing light blue tops with black bottoms... What is this? Some sort of couple outfit or something?"

"Couple outfit?!" Chungha exclaimed as she got to her feet at once, gasping loudly. "Me? And him? A couple outfit?!"

'Does that question really warrant such a strong reaction? We are a couple after all," Hoseok's facial expressions seemed to yell, but he played along anyway. "Pfft! Me and her? Daebak."

"How could you, Chaeyoung-ssi?" Chungha laughed, as she swatted her hands around and took her seat quickly. "That's just... absurd. So, so absurd. Do you know how ridiculous that sounded? Me? And him? Wow, daebak."

"I know right-" Hoseok said through gritted teeth. "Absolutely ludicrous. Me and her? Nonsense."

"Okay, calm down-" Chaeyoung backed off, confused by the pair's abnormally intense reaction. "I was just asking. It didn't require such a violent reaction."

Chungha gave Hoseok a dirty look while Chaeyoung was walked away.

"Good morning, everyone!" Jisoo smiled as she skipped into the office. "Oh- Hoseok sunbae-nim! Chungha-ssi! Your outfits seem to be matching tod-"

"What?!" Chungha squealed as she jumped up from her seat once more. "Excuse me? Jisoo-ssi, what did you just say?"

"Huh?" Jisoo's eyes shifted uneasily between Chungha and Hoseok. "I just said that the two of you look like you're wearing couple outfits-"

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