chapter 58: a new side to him

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<OST: It's You - Chungha>

"Thank you."

Jennie glanced up at Yoongi with a smile. "For what?"

"Everything-" Yoongi shrugged. "What you did earlier and also, for helping me realise that it is time for me to realise who I wanna be."

"A film director."

"So you finally remembered-" Yoongi glanced at Jennie briefly before nodding. "Yeah, you made me realise last night that it's high time I get out of my rut and look for that person."

"What person?"

Yoongi smiled a little. "The person I used to be. If not for you, I don't think I would have realised that I have been in a slump for way too long."

"I'm glad I helped."

"So I just wanted to say thank you-" Yoongi hummed. "You know, for always helping me all the time."

"Wait, wait, wait-" Jennie stopped in her tracks. "Isn't that what I should be saying to you instead...? If we wanna count the number of times we helped each other, I think you've helped me more than I have helped you. Last night too - I was nothing but a burden to you, yet you were too kind to drive me away."

"It's alright, we don't have to count anymore-" Yoongi pursed his lips as he kept on walking. "What's a favour between friends, am I right?"

Jennie froze, as she stared wide-eyed at Yoongi, unable to believe what she had just heard.

Yoongi turned around to face her. "What? Aren't you coming?"

"Hold on-" Jennie asked dramatically. "What did you just say? Did you call us... friends?"

Yoongi scoffed as he turned back around and carried on walking, not admitting nor denying what Jennie had just asked him.

"Did you just say we're friends?" Jennie caught up with Yoongi and grabbed his arm tight. "Min Yoongi! Say that again - I'm your friend now?"

"You were the one who said you wanted to be my friend-" Yoongi scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "No need to make such a big fuss about it."

"No, no-" Jennie laughed happily with a skip in her step. "I know I was the one who initiated it, but the fact that this is your first time acknowledging it, it makes me really happy."

Yoongi snorted as he carried on walking.

"So... what?" Jennie gasped as she looked up at Yoongi in sudden realisation. "I'm your friend now? So I'm your first friend? Your only friend? Your... best friend?"

"Like I said... stop making a big fuss about it-" Yoongi glanced at Jennie. "We're just... friends, for now."

"For now?" Jennie gasped. "What about later then?"

Yoongi stared blankly at Jennie. "You sure ask a lot of questions, huh?"

Jennie blinked expectantly. "Answer my question."

Yoongi pushed Jennie's hands off his arm. "Even though I know you're not dating JK-ssi, the rest of the world doesn't know, so please be careful with your actions, Jennie-ssi. You don't want yet another scandal, do you?"

"Still 'Jennie-ssi this, Jennie-ssi that'..." Jennie pouted. "You finally admitted we're friends, shouldn't it be 'Jennie-ya' now?"

"I'll do whatever I want, at my own pace-" Yoongi said quietly. "You were the one who wanted to be friends with me, I'm just agreeing."

Jennie sulked as Yoongi walked away. "Such a calculative man... I wonder why I even wanted to be friends with someone like you..."

"Are you coming?"

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