Early mornings

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Daisy and Keira woke to the blaring sounds of their alarms, each rolling over to look at the clock reading 4:00 am. They hauled their overpacked suitcases down the stairs and grunted at Jake as they passed him in the kitchen.
"Morning!" Audrey called, with far more enthusiasm than either of the girls could possibly muster at such an early time.
"Mhm." Daisy responded, putting a few slices of bread in the toaster and beginning to make some tea in an attempt to wake herself up.

"Looks like the boys have woken up." Audrey said excitedly as she spotted the dim yellow lights of windows in the neighbouring house. Daisy walked over to the kitchen window, doing her best not to drop crumbs everywhere as she buttered her toast while moving.

Keira swigged on a a large glass of apple juice, breathing out a long sigh as she finished it.
"It's 4:30, guess we should leave now for the flight. It was at 7 wasn't it?" She asked, looking slightly more excited than she had half an hour ago.
"Yeah I think so. I'll call the taxi and check it's on it's way." Daisy replied. She was more than used to being the responsible adult on mornings like these, mainly because the only input her mother had to offer was running around the house screaming at people as she lost a shoe or couldn't find her keys.


Luke and Max appeared out of the house, each lugging a bag considerably smaller than Keira's. Not long after, James appeared from the doorway, sporting a pair of sunglasses fit for the Kardashian's.
"We aren't in Spain yet you idiot." Luke grumbled at him as he rubbed his sleep deprived face.
"I'm sorry you don't understand what it means to be fashionable!" James retorted smugly.

As the taxi van arrived, the adults headed towards the front, Luke, Jake and Keira went to sit in the row behind and Daisy, James and Max ended up at the back.

The journey proceeded with everyone falling asleep for the hour long car ride, most of them leaving music to play in their headphones after passing out before they could turn it off.


The families passed through airport control still half asleep, and eventually ended up on the aeroplane.
"Maybe i shouldn't have slept in the car, now I have to sit for like 6 hours wide awake." Daisy sighed, turning away from the window to look at Max sitting next to her.
"At least you've got me to keep you company." He smirked in response, "don't you worry, I'm great fun!" He added giddily.

Daisy snorted, "well I guess you'll be more fun than Jake right now." She shook her head in laughter as she watched Jake drooling with his head leant on Max's shoulder.
"Gee, what a compliment that is." Max said sarcastically as he pushed Jake's head off his now wet shoulder.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy my company." He added.

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