Dress up

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The next day, the family sat around the pool eating lunch, with Daisy dipping her feet into the cool water as she did.
"Where shall we go then?" James asked, as they discussed plans to find an outdoor party for the evening.
"If we walk further into town there might be some beach ones." Max replied, putting down his empty plate next to him and brushing off crumbs.

"It is summer so there have to be some happening." Keira said, frowning slightly.

"Yeah there will be we just have to look in the right place." Max agreed.

"Thanks captain obvious. Let's just wander around until we find a lively bar." Luke chirped in, and general sounds of agreement followed from everyone.

"Just don't do anything silly." Audrey told, hoping her son Jake wouldn't come back and pass out on the floor like last time.
"I don't need to be carrying you up to bed like a child again when you get home!" Her husband Rob agreed, earning a light laugh from Chrissy too.

"I won't I won't." Jake said, trying to ignore the hard nudges from Luke next to him, who would most definitely be doing his best to make sure it happened.

After Lunch, Keira walked up the stairs, checking her watch. "Four thirty." She said, looking up at Daisy as she did.
"We'll want to be heading out soon then!" Daisy said excitedly, looking forward to going out and getting drunk like she did back home. The pair each showered and went to their bedroom, piling potential outfits onto the floor between them. Sifting through, silky red dresses and blue mini skirts flashed around, a series of bright colours each begging to be worn. In particular, a pale yellow dress caught Keira's eye, as her newly tanned skin showed beautifully against it.

"That's the one." Daisy nodded, as she watched Keira hold up the dress, examining the small slit across the stomach.
"You think?" Keira replied, seeming unsure.
"Positive, now I need to find my outfit." She replied, spotting a deep red dress similar to Keira's.

Daisy's, however, had small runches at the short bottom, giving the illusion of wider hips.

"That's the one. No doubt." Keira gushed, admiring the silkines of the dress on Daisy's slim figure.
She was thankful for the runches, she felt they stopped her looking like a boy, though Keira disagreed every time she should say that.

The girls spent a while curling their hair and brushing on makeup, though Daisy limited the latter, not liking the feeling of thick makeup sitting on her face. Keira's short hair sat straight against her shoulders, making her contoured cheekbones pop even more, while Daisy's freshly curled hair swung loose over the thin straps of her dress.

"You lot nearly done?" Luke asked, wandering into the room without knocking. He was dressed in shorts and a white shirt, closely admired by Keira.

"Yeah just a few finishing touches," Daisy responded, strapping on some dark red heels with a thick base to make them more comfortable, "doesn't she look hot." She added, gesturing to a now blushing Keira.

"Shut up." Luke said, exiting the room quickly as a red blush appeared around his ears.

"Doesn't who look hot?" Came a voice, soon to be labelled as Max, strolling past Luke into their room. Daisy, though still repulsed by him, couldn't help but take in his thin black shirt, rolled up at the arms to show a similarly dark wristband on his hand. His shoulders seemed too large for such a shirt, but it sat just right along his midriff- just right for Daisy to admire at least.

"Jesus did a bomb go off in here?" Jake yelled, springing into the room and staring at the mess of makeup brushes and clothes littering the once cream floor.

"It's really not that bad." Keira groaned, refusing to look at the floor for thought that she would have to tidy it later.

"It is." Said Max, but instead of taking the time to sweep his eyes across the floor and look at the mess, he ended up sweeping his eyes across Daisy, starting with her smooth legs. Keira left the room, and Jake followed quickly muttering something about a snack. Max, however, remained transfixed, undressing Daisy with his eyes as she watched him do it, lips parted slightly.

Suddenly, she remembered where she was and who was looking at her like this. She couldn't let him have it. Instead, she picked up her phone and clutch, walking out of the door straight past him to the stairs, leaving behind only a faint scent of perfume. Max's eyes still followed her, but Daisy didn't turn back, instead going downstairs to find jake.


Walking out the door, Jake, Luke, Max, James, Daisy and Keira waved to their respective parents, and headed straight for town.
Upon arrival, they weren't sure where they would go, but walked the streets, exploring potential bars and clubs they could get into, hoping no IDs would be asked for. James wore an elaborate pink shirt, getting looks as they passed other groups of youngsters, while Keira and Daisy got looks from men around the town, making them feel a little uneasy.

"Can we just go into somewhere near the beach soon?" Daisy asked, wanting to get away from the random people on the streets and into a bar.
"That one sounds fun." Jake said, pointing to a large bar blasting loud music, "sounds busy too!" He winked at Luke, likely referring to the girls they would find.
Spinning his baseball cap backwards, Jake led the way towards the entrance, excited butterflies forming in Daisy's stomach as they approached.

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