Drinkies with the girlies

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Walking arm in arm, Daisy and Keira followed the boys in towards a space in the crowded bar. There were plenty of groups of people standing around and ordering drinks, leaving a thick buzz of energy in the air. vibrant bunting swung low beside wooden pillars by the bar, and a thin fence with yellow lanterns bordered the grassy perimeter. Just beyond the dance floor, a view of the dark sea was visible, as well as a partially lit up sandy trail leading down towards it. In daytime, perhaps, it would have been a nice spot for a swim, Daisy thought.

"Three jäger bombs please!" Daisy heard Jake shout gleefully towards a blonde barmaid with a lowly buttoned shirt.
She looked past her overexcited brother, and stuck close to Keira, pondering her choice of drink.
"What'll you have?" Asked Keira, arranging her dress straps over her slightly sunburnt shoulders.
"I'm thinking cocktails." Replied Daisy, watching as Max drank his shot beside her, exhaling loudly as he got it down in one big gulp. James seemed to smile at him, signalling for them to venture down towards the wood panelled dance floor. Daisy ignored their antics, and chatted away to Keira as she picked up her cosmopolitan- chosen by Keira-, clinking glasses with her and smiling as she sipped slowly at the pink liquid.

"Let's fucking go!" Keira said loudly, clearly having allowed the vodka in the drink to hit her hard. They spoke loudly, hoping to drown out the heavy bass resonating from black speakers just behind Keira. Their high shoes would've clicked on the dark floor had it been quieter, and Daisy wondered how often the bar received noise complaints, given that it was open air and not at all enclosed.

Keira spotted James and Luke, "over there! That way!" She called, grabbing Daisy's unsteady arm and dragging her towards the already tipsy boys, left to their own devices of grabbing shots from the bar and then rejoining the mass of people around them. Seeming short next to a broad Luke, a blonde man in a tight vest and sunglasses jumped wildly to the music, watched by a group of girls standing more calmly by the edge of the dance floor.
Daisy felt hot, her aching feet were barely noticeable on the ground in her slightly drunken state, and a feeling of overwhelming happiness doused her sweaty body. She danced and danced, not even sure who it was with at that point, for all she knew it was the short blonde man with the vest on, yet she couldn't care less. After a few more shots slid down her burning throat, courtesy of  James, Daisy felt a hand slip onto her waist. As the sun went down behind them, Daisy glanced to her side, an orange glow of light marking a heavy warmth on the face that she recognised immediately to be Max's. His brown eyes looked almost pale in the fading light, and his tall frame shadowed over the bodies surrounding them. Daisy turned away sharply, choosing to ignore the hand on her waist and pay attention Instead to her idiot brother attempting to do the worm while Luke cheered encouragingly.

Daisy danced, feeling weightless in the music, but ever so heavy as max stepped close behind her, placing yet another hand on her stomach, pulling her in. She wasn't in the right mind to feel anger or lust, and instead chose resentment, stepping away from the hands gripping her and towards a relatively attractive man dancing topless nearby. Ignoring Max's eyes boring into her back, she went up to the unknown man, running a sweaty palm down his tanned chest and joining him in his dancing. He grinned at her, taking off his sunglasses and resting them on his head, not caring to look at the large man standing threateningly behind the tipsy girl currently feeling him up.

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