Cool as ice

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Daisy spent the next day sleeping lazily by the pool with Keira, Jake and James. James told stories of his worst dates, much to Keira's amusement, and Jake sat on his chair fiddling with some rocks on the floor.

Daisy had thrown on a simple, black bikini and wore sunglasses to deter the hot 4 o'clock sun.

"How was last night?" Chrissy asked, walking out from the kitchen with an apple in hand. Both mothers had been for a walk this morning. Audrey followed behind her looking sunburnt and tired.

"Never walking again. If I do, it'll be at midnight when there can't possibly be a sun." Audrey murmured.

"Come on mum, we finally escape the usual cold and grey weather just for you to complain?" Daisy said, raising an eyebrow. She was clearly trying to change the conversation from the question of last night.
All morning, Daisy had been avoiding her thoughts and, more importantly, avoiding Max. After what had happened in the kitchen, Daisy felt her heart jump whenever it came to mind, and the last thing she wanted was to ruin a holiday and a friendship with stupid attraction.

Keira turned to rest her head on Daisy's shoulder, "it was certainly... eventful." She smirked, knowing that Daisy wouldn't want either of the mothers to find out about what happened with Max at the bar or at the house.

"Anyway." Chrissy said, taking a seat on a sun lounger and pushing her large framed glasses back into her hair, "where are max and Luke?" She asked.

"Max has been in a shit mood all day. I think Lukes moping with him too." Jake said disdainfully, clearly wishing his best friends were outside playing with rocks too.

He can be such a child sometimes Daisy thought, smiling at his obliviousness.

"We thought we could go out for a meal tonight?" Audrey asked to the group.

"Sure!" James said, "I thought I'd never get a chance to wear my nice shoes. Can't risk them getting stained at a party." He added.

"Sounds good to me too, we have a place in mind?" Keira asked, removing her head from Daisy's shoulder and lightly combing through the messy knot on her head with pool-wet hands. Keira never did care to look after her hair.

"We saw an amazing restaurant by the sea this morning, very small and local, we thought it would be nice if we all went somewhere together." Audrey said.

Suddenly, Daisy realised that dinner with the family meant seeing Max. Her heart thudded slightly, and the feeling seeped down to the bottom of her stomach as she remembered last night. Fuck. This has gone way too far now. He's just playing a stupid game. I bet he's like this to everyone too. Flirting with them; touching them; almost... kissing them.

Daisy stood up abruptly. Keira and James turned to look at her, confused at her movements.
"Yeah, sure, sorry just suddenly got too hot." She said shyly, smiling at James. She avoided eye contact with Keira. That bitch definitely thinks something is up. I can't give myself away. She knows me annoyingly well.


As 7 o'clock rolled around, Daisy and Keira frantically ran about their room looking for the correct makeup and shoes scattered on the floor.

"What the hell is going on?" James laughed, watching the girls from the doorway in his neat, dark red shirt and matching shoes.

"Cute shoes." Keira said, remembering his comment about them earlier.

"I could say the same to you but I know mine look better." He said teasingly as he walked into the room and towards the mirror to fix his hair.

"When did you get your ears pierced?" Daisy said, shocked that she hadn't noticed.

"Girl they're clip ons I'm not crazy." He laughed.
James reached onto the floor, picking up a shimmery purple dress. "This?" He asked, gesturing to Daisy still in her towel from showering.

"Perfect!" She smiled, jogging over to grab it. "Fancy a job as a personal stylist?" She joked.

"Only if my canvas has a better wardrobe than you!" He replied.
Daisy hurriedly put on the dress, trying and failing to zip it up herself before giving up and asking Keira.

"What are you lot doing up there. Come on!" Jake called from the stairs.

"Yep, yep, yep." Keira repeated, tying her shoes behind her ankles.

"Done." Daisy said. She wore the purple dress with eyeliner and her hair curled slightly to give it volume. Her black heels matched the clutch on her shoulder which Keira was always a fan of since it meant she didn't need to bring a bag.

"Done." Keira replied from the other side of the room. She wore a white, loose dress with an assortment of straps for the back. Her wedges were also white although her messy hair was piled into a bun on top of her head. Again.
"No time to be neat!" She had said when Daisy questioned the messy bun.

At the bottom of the stairs, Max stood out against the white shirt of his dad next to him. He wore a dark blue shirt, the top button left undone. Black suit trousers were held up by a belt, and an assortment of wristbands and silver bracelets clung to his wrists.

Ok, all I have to do is not look at him. Don't look Daisy. It's fine.

Keira held Daisy's hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "It never happened." She whispered referring to Daisy and Max's meet-up in the kitchen last night.

Steadily, Daisy's heel touched down at the bottom of the stairs, and the thick smell of mint and aftershave floated her way.

This would be a lot easier if he wasn't hot. She thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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