20| Waves

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Jogging quickly, towel in hand, Daisy headed down a sandy path leading straight to the beach. James and Luke followed close behind, while Keira had opted for a longer lie in along with Max back at the house. Jake was far infront, sporting bright pink swimming trunks which made him clearly visible, even to Luke who'd left his glasses in the kitchen.

"I hardly wear them anyway, and it's not like I'll be reading at the beach!" he had pleaded earlier that morning to an anxious Chrissy.

"fine, I'm not going to tell my 20 year old son what to wear." she had replied dismissively, much to the amusement of Daisy.

Upon arrival at the sandy shore, Daisy wasted no time before dipping her warm feet into the cool ocean water. The sun sat high in the afternoon sky, and Daisy turned to admire her brother and Luke playing as children would, diving in and out of choppy waves. she felt happy. She wondered where Max was, and how soon he would come down, but shook her head and smiled in embarrassment at such a thought. 'You really need to get a grip. This holiday isn't the time to be falling for someone' she thought, though a small twinge flicked through her stomach as she did. There was no way she was falling for Max, was there?

This question, however couldn't be answered before she felt a hand on the back of her head, forcing her down to dunk her freckled face in the salty water. Stinging slightly, her lips quickly shut to avoid swallowing anything unwanted.

"you bitch." she breathed as she resurfaced, gasping for warm air. turning, she was met by the familiar look of cheek from Jake.

"got ya!" he replied gleefully, turning to snigger with Luke at the look of rage on his sisters face.

"i was in the middle of a very important thought actually. And you've gone and disrupted it." Said Daisy, wanting to make him feel at least a little apologetic.

The three stayed floating, watched by a dismissive James, too worried about the salt hurting his skin to venture into the waves.

"The salt has healing properties, it's good for you." Daisy had argued, but he still remained stubborn as ever. Eventually, he was joined by Max and Keira. Daisy wondered what they'd been doing together at the house all morning, but pushed away such a thought, strolling over to greet them. She shook her wet, brown hair, which had turned partially wavy due to the salt, and walked towards the small patch of towels that James had laid out to read on.

"about time." She called, raising her eyebrows.

"we just had important business to attend to." Said Max, winking at Keira as he did so. Immediately, Daisy felt her heart drop, how could she have been so stupid? why would Max like her? Of course he would go off with Keira given the chance, who wouldn't. Daisy's thoughts spiralled, seemingly uncontrollable. She was too emotional for this right now. Though she felt small and pitiful, she begged her face not to show it, instead giving a little laugh and turning quickly to perch on the sand facing away from them. She said nothing else. She couldn't bring herself to, tears steadily welled up in her eyes, and wiping them only spread sand across her burning skin. The sun felt too hot, she she felt too ashamed to be near anybody. it was such a small event, but to Daisy, nothing could have felt worse at that moment.

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