Welcome Back

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Audrey and Chrissy rushed to the large oak front door, eager to greet their sons after months of not seeing them. Rob and Nick followed them through, asking Daisy about the running she was doing, being the typical dads they were.

The door flung open, revealing Jake, and 3 men, each hotter than the last. 'Holy shit.... holy... when did that... what' Daisy stumbled for words, deciding to stand back and watch the boys greet their parents for a while, and try to take in the amount of testosterone that had just entered the building.

"Holy shit! It's Daisy and Jake!" One of them called, running towards her. "No way, I refuse to believe that you are Luke!" Daisy squinted at the man, trying to understand how he had gone from a young boy to a drool-worthy guy.
Luke lunged towards her, engulfing her in a huge, muscular hug, wrapping around Jake as he did so.
"Yo look who it is!" Another boy called, and Daisy saw, who she instantly knew, Max run up and join the hug. He towered over Daisy at what must've been 6'3", flashing his dimples as he too joined in the hug.

"4 is a gathering, 5 is a party!" A boy who must have been James yelled energetically, running and jumping on top of the pile, tipping everyone backwards to land on Max. "Ouch" max shouted, as everyone collapsed on top of him forcefully.

"Jesus Christ" Daisy whispered, as her body collapsed onto Max's, her fingers colliding with his bicep. She pushed the thought of his ripped arms out of her head, 'come on Daisy, they've only been home for 10 seconds you aren't THAT sexually deprived, are you?'

Daisy and Max were hauled to their feet by Jake, and for the first time in 7 years, Daisy and Jake stood together, chatting to Luke, Max and James about their lives apart.

Luke was shorter than Max at around 6'1", the same height as Jake, while James was probably 5'10" or 5'11".
Max still had his thick, dark hair and deliciously green eyes, while Luke's straight blonde hair had now turned a light brown and was messy and wavy. James was smaller and skinnier than his brothers, but seemed to have inherited the loud and cheeky gene, same as Max.

"You've certainly grown." Luke said, nodding at Daisy and running his eyes over her exposed stomach, "you're lucky Jake's gone to get champagne, wouldn't want him seeing you say that" Max stated, also looking Daisy up and down, making her feel completely exposed somehow.

"Yeah you're certainly... bigger." James joined in, staring at her cleavage.
"How dare you!" Daisy shouted, playfully hitting him in the arm, "it's ok, I'm gay!" James replied, laughing mischievously whilst trying to dodge Daisy's attack. "How does that make it ok." Daisy laughed attempting to push James over, until Luke piped up, "wow really nothing has changed has it, it feels just like old times." And Daisy couldn't agree more, it felt so right to have everyone back.

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