When the handle of her sword was in her clutches, she picked herself from the ground and blocked your attempt at fake stabbing her. It took a lot of strength to do this with one hand, and the sweat that was rolling down her neck didn't make it any easier. Still, she moved past these things and tried her best to focus on you and only you.

The smirk on your lips hadn't disappeared, but your eyes did narrow. Alena had certainly improved over the months, and her reflexes were admirable. Still, she couldn't spend the entire time parrying and dodging your blows. At some point, she had to try an attack of her own, but she seemed too afraid to do so. "Are you ever going to attack me?" You asked, your words sounding harsh. This you intended to do, in hopes of getting a reaction from her. A burst of anger perhaps.

Alena's eyebrows furrowed at your comment, but she didn't respond. Parrying was one thing, but actually moving closer to fight was another.

You tapped her sword with yours, in a teasing manner. "Too scared?" You asked, grinning mischievously. The comment seemed to stir another emotion in her, and they reflected easily in her stormy grey eyes.

The girl frowned and without question she ran toward you, raising her sword as she let out a battle cry. She slashed her sword, hoping to catch you off guard, but she should've known better, with you being more experienced. Her blow was deflected easily, but she didn't back down, not when you looked at her differently. You continued saying small little comments, and each time you did the brunette would respond with a yell and a thrust of her sharp sword.

Tension grew, and nothing but shuffling feet and clanging sword's filled the area. In one of Alena's slashing moments, you were able to duck her sword and hit her with the flat of your blade. The action caused her to groan and drop her hand, giving you an opportunity to disarm her. And you did. You plunged your weapon forward, in an attempt to hit the hilt of her blade with the tip, but the girl's reflexes acted up.

Subconsciously, Alena twirled to the side, avoiding your sword. She twisted her weapon, having it face to the side as she moved, wanting to hit your back. You responded to this attack by jumping forward, barely escaping the cutting whoosh of her blade. When your feet hit the ground, you whipped around and hit your sword with hers. The vibrations that were sent to her hands and yours caused both of you to wince, but neither of you let go of your weapon.

Now, more determined than ever, you clashed your sword against hers over and over again, twirling here and there to come at her from different directions. Suddenly, the two of you were face to face, with your swords pushing against one another, forming an X. The fire in your eyes resembled the ones crackling in Alena's grey ones. Both of you were set on winning, but you knew who would end up victorious.

In a swift motion, you stepped back and hit the hilt of her sword. The girl had no other choice but to let go of her blade, but this time, when she hurriedly reached down to pick it up, you were already pointing the tip of your sword to her heart. The blade was just an inch away from her undefended chest, and this made you grin. But rather than gloat on your success in defeating her, you pointed your sword down and bowed your head, breathing somewhat heavily.

"I'm impressed. You put up one hell of a fight," you said, lifting your head to face her flushed face. You raised your arm and wiped the sweat from your forehead with your forearm.

"I-I did?" Alena asked, quickly picking up her blade from the ground. She bit her bottom lip, smiling faintly. "I thought you said I was no good." She was talking about the cruel comments you said to her during the duel.

"Ah, I only said that to get a reaction from you," you clicked your tongue, sheathing your sword away. "I didn't mean any of it, okay?" You offered a tired smile and gulped dryly.

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