Chapter 14

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I screamed and tried to cover my breasts and intimate areas with my hands. "Look away!" I yelled at him. Jong Suk immediately turned around and said, "I've already seen you naked. It's nothing new for me". I walked backwards into my room. However I always kept my eyes on Jong Suk.

When I got to my room, I quickly changed and blow-dried my hair. The blush rose in my cheeks when I thought about the situation from before. Why does this always have to happen to me?

Finished with everything, I lay down on my bed and checked my cell phone, which I haven't been able to use recently. My cell phone was bombarded with notification. Many wanted to write me messages or follow me on Instagram. However, I didn't want to know all that now. I didn't want to know what they would think of me or what they would say about our "relationship". The haters would certainly write to me: Fuck off, this is my man. Or: You are too ugly for him...

Before I put my phone away, I wrote to my sister:

(Y/N): Do you know what happened to me earlier?

The closer I got to the kitchen, the more I could smell a delicious smell. Jong Suk must have prepared something for breakfast, I thought hungrily and ran a little faster to the kitchen.

When I arrived in the large kitchen, I sat down on a chair and was served by Jong Suk. He put a plate, cutlery and a cup of green tea in front of me. "Thanks" I thanked him with a smile and put the Korean food on my plate. Jong Suk also put food on his plate and told me, "My sister wrote to me last night. You and my younger brother would come to visit me to get to know you." "Didn't you tell your family the truth?" I wanted to know from him and started to eat my meal. "Aniyo" he shook his head, "I wanted to tell them personally and not tell you over the phone or write a message".

"Will they accept me?" I asked and stopped eating my food for a few seconds and looked at my plate lost in thought. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you whether they accept you or not," he told me the truth.

It started to vibrate in my pocket. I quickly fished my cell phone out of my pocket and saw a message from my sister.

(S/N): What happened?

(V/N): I left the bathroom with a towel around my body. Jong Suk's dogs wanted to play with me and tore the towel off my body. I stood naked in front of Jong Suk. NAKED!!!

After a few seconds the answer came from my sister.

(S/N): Why are you embarrassed? Didn't he see you naked or did you do it in the dark without seeing your faces? ;)

(V/N): (S/N)!!!!!

In the afternoon I went to the bookstore to buy a new book. It's called: My love of the light. I've heard a lot of good things from critics and readers, and since I love reading myself, I decided to buy the book. The book just came out yesterday.

In the bookstore at my former place of work, I was greeted warmly by my boss. "Annyeonghaseyo," I greeted her and made a 45 degree bow. "Hahah. You don't have to be so polite to me anymore, after all, you're a customer now," she laughed, wrinkles forming around her mouth.

"I'm looking for the new book: My Love of Light," I told her, standing up straight.

"Aigo. Many young customers bought the book a few hours ago. I tell you the book will be very popular," she said and led me to a new book that is sure to be a bestseller.

My former boss took me to the fantasy department.

When I had the book in my hands, The book is about angels who have rule the world and want to desttroy the humans because the angels blamed the human for the fact that God has disappeared.

That sounds exciting. I'll buy it myself, I decided with a smile and went to the cash register, where an employee was already serving customers.

After it was my turn we talked a bit and she cashed me. "Is it true that you will have a child with Lee Jong Suk?" she asked me curiously from the clear sky. "Uh," I didn't know what to answer. "Yes," I replied quietly because a customer was standing behind me.

I made room for her and said goodbye to my colleague.

I arrived at my new home in the late afternoon. I took an extra long time because I didn't want to go home that fast.

When I opened the door with my key, I saw 2 unknown pairs of shoes. One by a woman and one by a man.

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