Chapter 7

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"That's nice name for your dogs. Can you finally bring me my sleeping clothes?" I said and asks him to get my sleeping clothes for me. I can't go to his room and get it for myself. That would be 1. rude and 2. embarrassing. That's my opinion.

He nodded and left my room to get my clothes and the dogs followed him. I'll take care of the dogs when he has to film or photoshoot or his mother will take the dogs. After a while he came into the room and he has the clothes in his hands. Jong Suk gave me a T-shirt and then disappeared out of the room. Normally, I always sleep with an oversized T-shirt, and I hope it will not change in pregnancy. I'm very curious which gender the child has and what it will look like.

In the next morning I was awakened by wet kisses on my face. "yahhh ... nooo. Leave me alone Jong Suk!" I complained and immediately sat up, but what I saw was not Jong Suk. No, it was his dogs. My eyes almost fell out of my eyes and I heard a male laugh. "Aigo. Did you really think I would wake you up like that? "He giggled behind his hand, which he held in front of his mouth. "Whaaaat. No," I tried to talk myself out of the embarrassing situation. After saying that, he had to laugh even louder. "Are you ready have laugh?" I grumbled.

After a few minutes he stopped laughing. Luckily, because I wanted to hit him hard. I think that's what the hormones are talking about in me, I can say that, because otherwise I would never hit somebody when he is laughing...

A month later

Now I'm three months pregnant and will go to see a doctor tomorrow with Jong Suk because he really wants to go with me. I'm unsure because he's a Korean star. I'm worried about the Saesangs.

Jong Suk and I were sitting in the waiting room of my doctor. He has his mouth mask and sunglasses on, he didn't want to be recognized. Luckily I will have a great dad for my child. "Ms. (L/N), please," a nurse called and led me and Jongsuk into the room. There Jong Suk took off his sunglasses and mouth mask. "Are you accompanying Ms. (L/N)?", Ms. Kim asked him and asked me to lie down, which I did.

He nod with a smile and said proudly. " I'm the father of the child." "When can we see which gender the child has?", I asked curiously my doctor, who is pointing at the monitor. "Here you can see your baby".

"At the 20th week of pregnancy," she replied quietly, because you could hear the heartbeat of our baby. Jong Suk cried when I looked at him. I took his hand and clasped our hands together. He looked a bit surprised at first, then gently squeezed my hand. "Can we have a picture?", Jong Suk asked the doctor kindly. "Yes, you can. Everything is alright with the baby "

After we had our picture, we left and went to my house.

As we walked through the city, Jong Suk took my hand again. I looked at him surprised. "How would you like to call the child if it's a boy and if it's a girl?" I asked him. He looked up into the sky. Smiling, I watched him and did not notice a big smile spread across my face. Should I also give my child a German name? Jongsuk could give the child a name, but of course only if I agree. "I want to call Jong-Hun if it's going to be a boy and if it's a girl I'll call her Jong-Hi," he told me and smiled at me, as far as I can tell because his face was still covered.

"What do you want to eat today?" Jong Suk asked as he strolled comfortably into the kitchen as if he was living here.

In the moment he had to make a movie "VIP". I'm a big fan.

While he was cooking our food, I told him how I would like to call our child. "I want to call the boy Elias and if it's a girl then Seraphina" "Those are beautiful names," he said, putting the food down to me. "I have a question," he said out of the blue. "And that would be?" "What would you do if the reporters caught us together?" He asked me the question. "I don't know ...", I confessed to him and looked at my plate. "In three days is the primary of the movie" VIP " and I want to ask you.... Do you want to go with me ?" He asked me and I looked at him in surprise. I looked into his brown eyes.

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