Chapter 32

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After the phone call, I sat on a chair in shock and buried my face in my hands. They really found the culprit, who shot me. Tears welled up in my eyes with happiness and relief. They really found the culprit. I am so glad that Korea has a lot of cameras and that you can feel safe in South Korea.

I texted my sister: They found him. I have to go to the police station tomorrow and use her voice to confirm that she is the culprit. I will ask if Jong Suk can accompany me as support tomorrow.

My sister replies: Tell me all the details tomorrow how it went.

When Jong Suk got home at 1:00 am, I was waiting for him in bed in the bedroom. I was reading a book when Jong Suk opened the door. He looked at me in surprise: "Jagiya, why are you still awake? I told you that you don't have to wait for me".
I looked up from my book and replied, "Before I wanted to go to sleep, I wanted to ask you something and while I was waiting for you, I passed my time with the book." Yawning, I put my book aside. "This afternoon, criminal investigator Choi Younghi called me and informed me that she had found him or her. I have to identify her by her voice and I would like to ask you if you would like to come with me at 10 am tomorrow morning."

Jong Suk came to me and sat down with me. He took my hand. "Of course I want to go with you tomorrow morning. I want to see with my own eyes, who could do something like this to my wife. My best lawyer will put him behind the bars," replied and in the end he gritted his teeth. Gratefully, I leaned over to him and pressed my lips to his. Immediately Jong Suk returned my kiss hungrily and pushed me back onto the bed. Chuckling lay down I put my arms around his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his hips.

Yesterday after we made love and that's why we were a little tired today. Nevertheless, we got up on time and made our way to the police station. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law takes care of our son.

"I'm really nervous," I mumbled softly and nervously kneaded my hands. Jong Suk wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "I'm with you and won't leave your side for seconds," Jong Suk tried to me encourage. We went in together.

"Hello. How can I help you?" One of the policemen behind the registration asked me. I'm Lee (Y/N) and criminal investigator Choi Younghi called me yesterday. Today I am supposed to identify a perpetrator," I informed the policemen. "Oh yes, just a moment, please," said the Polocist and disappeared behind a door.
After about a minute she came back and asked me to wait a moment. The police pointed a finger at the waiting room: "You can wait for Mr. Choi there."

We had to wait almost half an hour for another policeman to come. "Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Choi Younghi and I called you yesterday," he informed us and turned to Jong Suk: "You must be Ms. Lee's husband." Jong Suk nodded in confirmation. "You can come with your wife. Now please follow me," said Mr. Choi and we followed him. "When we are in the interrogation room, I will explain to you how it works," continued Mr. Choi. "The suspect was identified by some witnesses and recorded by cameras".

When we were in the interrogation room, we could see many women behind a glass and fear spread through my body. Although I have never seen her, I am incredibly afraid of her and the naked fear spread throughout my body. My hands went cold and Jong Suk took my hand in his to warm my hands up. When Mr. Choi saw my look, he started to tell more. "You dont need to be scared. We can see them, but they cannot see us. She can no longer harm you".

Now he pointed to the 6 women: "One of the women is the she and you have to use her voice to identify the suspect. We know who the she is, but we need confirmation. All women have a number and they have to give me one".

I swallowed the thick loo that had formed in my throat and then nodded. One after the other, the women began to speak and I immediately knew who she is. Number three, but I had to listen to the last woman.

"Do you know which of the women is?," Mr. Choi asked me. "3. Number 3," came the shot from me. "You are right," Mr. Choi informed me. A stone fell from my heart with relief. "May I know something about this woman?" I asked Mr. Choi a little shyly.

"The woman is known for stalking, threats and other crimes." he told me something about her "but she has never tried to kill anyone before. We know that the she is a very big fan of yours, Lee Jong Suk".

Before we went home, we picked up our son from my sister-in-law and are now at home. I put Jonghyun in bed, after which we went to our bedroom and talked a little more. "Oppa, I would like to marry you in white only when the she is behind bars, otherwise I'll always be afraid that she might do something to me or our son," I said out of the blue and looked a little sadly at Jong Suk would like to expose my son or anyone else to this danger. "Since we're married, I can wait until this crazy woman is behind bars," he smiled and hugged me.

I pushed Jong Suk away from me. "I really mean it," I said, a little offended, but I couldn't be angry with him forever.

6 months later

I left the courthouse happily accompanied by my lawyer. The crazy bit*ch was handcuffed and put behind bars for a very long time. I was immediately circled by the reporters as we made our way to our cars. Without answering their question, I snaked my way past the reporter to the car. Now I can concentrate on the wedding with Jong Suk in my old home. I can finally marry Jong Suk in white.

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