Chapter 3

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I looked again at his profile and could see that he followed only 1 person. Me. It can't be more obvious. But as I said, people can't see my profile. What a luck.

Not even a few hours later came the first comments. Some were not very friendly, but the rest of his fans were happy for him, although they didn't know who that person was. These are real fans who didn't insult or bully the girlfriend of a celebrity.

I read some comments: She is ugly even from behind!! She is fat! Go die, girl.             

The nice comments were: Wow, she's pretty, even if you can't see her. Good luck, Jong Suk. Unknown girl, please treat him well.

I didn't know what to do or think. Thoughtfully, I sat down on my bed, only to run to the bathroom afterwards, because I was feeling sick. Quickly I leaned over the toilet not to threw up on the floor. After my stomach had nothing left, I brushed my teeth. Unfortunately I forgot my clothes because of my nausea in my room.

"Are you coming to eat?" My sister called from the other side of the bathroom door. "Yes," I replied and opened the bathroom door. She just stood before me in a big black T-shirt, which ended just below her bottom. "Did you vomit?" she asked me worried and went to the kitchen. I answered her question with a quiet "yes". Nevertheless, she seemed to have heard it, because she turned around to hug me. You don't have to always to hug me, I thought a bit annoyed. She noticed that I didn't want to be hugged, but she still hugged me. Does she want to annoy me? I think so. Quickly I tried to get out of the hug, because at that moment my mobile phone rang. Unfortunately it stopped ringing after a few seconds. After I broke free of the hug, I ran to my room.

Once there, I searched my bed on my mobile phone, but unfortunately it was not there. My mobile phone probably fell on the floor when I ran to the bathroom. Maybe it was under the bed, so I knelt on the floor and looked under the bed. When I saw my phone lying there, I picked it up, then I got up and sat on the bed. Suddenly my mobile rang again. A number that I didn't know called me. Excited and nervous, I accepted the call. An all-too-familiar voice greeted me at the other end of the line. "Good morning, (Y/N). Have you eaten yet?" It was Jong Suk, who called me. "Ehm no. But why are you calling me?" "I want to know if you have eaten. You're pregnant and you have to eat a lot." When he said that, I just rolled my eyes. Does he want to control me? "No, I just wanted to hear your voice again. It was just an excuse ". Apparently I said that aloud. After hearing what he said, I could not help smiling. Who wouldn't find that sweet?

"That's why you call me? Then you should do it more often." "My photo shoot started at 7 o'clock and now I'm allowed to take a break. I use this time to call you, then I'll eat something." He told me while I heard in the background that he was getting something out of a cupboard.

We talked for a while, until I heard a voice in the background, "Mr. Lee, you have to go back to the photo shoot" "I have to go back, but maybe we can talk to each other later," he said and then hung up. What should I do now? As I thought that, my stomach growled loudly. Okay, I better get some food. Hungry, I got up from my bed and walked straight into the kitchen, where my sister is still eating. She sits in a chair where you can see directly onto the street. This is my favorite place because I like to look outside when I eat something. In front of her is a plate of eggs with bacon and a cup of coffee. "Is there anything left for me?" I asked my sister as I sat down opposite her. She got up to get something to eat for me. (S/N) also gave me a plate of eggs with bacon. My sister and I ate our breakfast. "When do we want to skype with our family? When do you want to tell them that you are pregnant?" she asked me with her mouth full and continued chewing on her food. I think we should really skype with them and I should tell them that I'm pregnant. Should I tell them who is the father form the baby? No, I will not do that.

Today is Sunday, so what are we going to do? "What do we want to do today?" I asked my sister while I went with my plate to the sink. "Do we want to do a film or a series night today?" "Yes, that sounds good. Should I change or can I stay like this?" I asked her. I'm looking forward to our evening. "No, you can stay like that," she replied. Maybe she said that because she didn't want to change.

We didn't have to get any snacks, because we were recently in the supermarket. We will watch all ‚Hunger Games' movies. We love the movies and the books. I have to go back to my room to get my mobile phone. I have to know if Jong Suk will write to me or call me again. I didn't know why, but my heart was pounding very fast.

I arrived in my room, got my mobile phone and went to the living room. Once there, I saw my sister cuddled up in a big blanket. For me, there would also be room left. I sat next to my twin sister, who put the blanket over me. She pulled me closer to her and so we cuddled together. She took the remote condition and she switched to 'Play'.

So we watched 'The Hunger Games' and other exciting movies until 6 pm. As we watched the movies, we decided to skype with our family at midnight. If it is 24 o'clock here, then it is 16 o'clock there. None of them has to work on Sundays. We were getting bored sitting in front of the TV all the time.

When I got to my room, I threw myself on the bed. Later I wouldn't be able to do that because my stomach would be in my way. I picked up my phone and looked at my notifications. Lee Jong Suk has updated. The photos from the photo shoot. I looked at his face, but why I was sad, I did not know at that moment.

After looking at all his new photos, I decided to read something. After some time, I decided to skype with our family. "(S/N)? Come on!" I called and heard how fast footsteps ran to my room. Oh no, how can she run so fast? Because she was so fast in my room, I couldn't get my laptop yet. She opened my door fast and hard as she opened the door so hard, slamming the door against my wall. Hopefully there will not be a dent here. I hurried to my desk to get the laptop. I had to go fast, because later we want to go to sleep. We sat on my bed and I pressed on Skype.

We talked for 1 hour, when I suddenly remembered that I wanted to tell them. "I'm pregnant," blurted out of the blue. They gasped in surprise and looked at me with open mouth and big eyes. They are very surprised.

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