Chapter 6

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In the next morning I was awakened by the sunshine on my face and I was awakened by a delicious smell. Someone prepared breakfast that smelled delicious. Did my sister prepare breakfast as an apology for me? Nah, I will not accept that ... or maybe. She is my sister. To be more specific my twin sister. My worse half or my better?

I couldn't stay in bed for a long time, because my morning sickness greeted me. Quickly I got up from my bed and ran into the bathroom, only to bend over the toilet bowl and puke. Disgusting! "I made something to eat for us," Jong Suk informed me, but he was in my room because he thought I was still in my room, which was not the case. "(Y/N)?" He shouted through the apartment this time. "I'm in the bathroom...", I wanted to say something else, but the nausea didn't allow it. Unfortunately I had to bend over the toilet bowl again, this time someone kept my hair back and stroked my back.

When I finished, I could see Jong Suk holding my hair and stroking my back. "Thanks," I thanked him and brushing my teeth. "You don't need to thank me. After all, it's my fault you have to throw up," he apologized guiltily. "When you're done, come to the kitchen," he said and disappeared from the bathroom. Oh, I still wear my sleeping clothes, I thought and looked down at me. Anyway, I'm going to change after dinner, I thought, so I went to the kitchen.

"What did you do for breakfast?" I asked Jong Suk and sat on the chair. "Pancakes," he said, put a plate of pancakes and a cup of coffee in front of me. He also did it for himself and wished me a "Good appetite". I replied with a "good appetite".

"Where are (S/N) and Taehyung?", I asked him unexpectedly afterwards I chewed on my food. "I think they left last night. Maybe your sister wanted to leave some room for you to calm down. Stress isn't good for the baby".

"Why did you actually kiss me?" I asked him, not looking at him. It was just too embarrassing. "I wanted to try something because I wasn't sure," he told me. "What did you say yesterday? I didn't understand it, because I was already asleep". "Nothing...".

Somehow I had the feeling that I forgot something. But what was it? "Ah, no. I'm late for work," I yelled out of nowhere, got up quickly and ran like a flash into my room. Quickly I got dressed, put on make-up and made a ponytailed.

 Quickly I got dressed, put on make-up and made a ponytailed

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Today I can't walk to work, otherwise I would be late. I guess I have to drive. "I'll go with you," he tried to calm me down and gave me my little black bag.

I left the car and ran into the shop where my boss was waiting for me. Jong Suk drove my car.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Kim," I apologized sincerely to my boss. I was really sorry. "No Problem. You came late for the first time," she reassured me. "It was my fault. I wanted her to eat something before going to work," Jong Suk explained. Luckily there were no customers in the shop. Only Jong Suk, Ms. Kim and me.

Mrs. Kim looked at him as if she had seen him before. "I know you from somewhere?" She thought loud. "My name is Lee Jong Suk. I'm a model," he revealed to her, bowing to her," and an actor. I'm really sorry that she came late" "Ahh, that's why you so familiar to me. She won't get in trouble and your secret is safe with me," she promised. She knew he was the child's father and promised nothing to say.

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