Chapter 35: The Grangers and the Burrow

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yes, sir." I said as I made my way to him. Did he know Hermione and I slept in the same bed? Am I in trouble? I was nearly shaking with fear, which he seemed to notice.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not angry or anything." He said as he laughed a little. "I just wanted to talk to you. When Hermione first got her letter for Hogwarts, Monica and I were skeptical at first. Our daughter being a witch? It sounded impossible, but someone came and explained everything. How Monica and I are 'Muggles' and how Muggle-born wizards and witches are rare. We were so scared for her when she first went but after every year, she always talked about you. And it kind of lessened my fears about the Wizarding World. Which is why I want you to know that I trust you with Hermione."

Wait what? My crush's father trusts me with her?

"You.. trust me?" I croaked.

"Of course." Wendell explained. "She's told us how much you defended her, when you saved her life, it makes us trust you more and more. And it is kind of obvious that you fancy her."

"Is it really?" I genuinely asked.

"Y/N, I'm a father." He said. "I can tell when someone likes my daughter. You must really like her."

I gulped as I admitted it. "I do like her a lot, sir. Your daughter's amazing and incredible."

"Then I'm rooting for you, kiddo." Wendell said as he put his hand on my shoulder as we both walked back. "You two take care." He said to Hermione and me.

I prepared the fire and gave the powder to Hermione. "So, what you want to do is say, 'Lovegood Residence' and drop the powder." I said. Hermione and I then stepped in with our things and said, 'Lovegood Residence!' and dropped the powder, consuming us. Moments later, we stepped into my house with our stuff.


Hermione POV

As we stepped into Y/N's house, I gasped at how big it was. It didn't seem like a mansion, it was smaller than one, but a little bigger than my house.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice sweetly say as Luna, his younger cousin spotted us, ran up to us and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, Lu!" He said as he hugged Luna back. "This is a surprise, I thought you would be with Uncle Xeno?"

"Daddy's busy with the Quibbler again." Luna said. "He asked Auntie Addison if I could stay here until my 3rd year starts."

"Still, I'm glad you're here." Y/N said while Luna hugged him again.

"Hi, Luna." I said with a smile as the younger Lovegood hugged me. "How have you been?"

"Hello, Hermione." She said calmly. "I've been doing well. Lana and I have been talking more about some books."

"Where is Lana anyway?" Y/N asked.

"I'm right here, bro!" Lana shouted as she walked us and hugged him. "Missed ya, you dork."

"Missed you too, sis." He said as he returned it.

"Hermione!" Lana said as she spotted me and hugged me. "Ah, how have you been?"

"I've been good!" I said as I returned the hug. "I've missed you all so much."

"Did you enjoy your time with Y/N?" Lana asked as Y/N took our stuff to a room.

"Oh, yes. Every moment of it." I said. "I just loved seeing him when I wake up everyday."

"Well, you are gonna love it here." She said. "Cause it is amazing here."

The Lovegood Of Gryffindor  (Hermione X Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora