The Beginning of the Match

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"Mika, wake up, we need to go!" Huey trying to wake up Mika. Surprisingly, he made cocoa drink for her before she wakes up.

"Ahh... The wind said that you're in love with me..." Mika talking to herself.

"What? Today's the Exhibition Match not another date-" Huey stopped as Mika sits up.

"W-what? Huey? Nevermind that s-saying! Well... Let's go!" Mika hurriedly grabs her cocoa and dressed into her tankery uniform.

They went out, and saw the BT-42 parked in front of her home

"Just in time Mika... Do you wake up by Huey? How sweet." Mikko teases her again.

"L-let's say a no-" Mika stopped. Huey interrupts her. "Actually yes. She also said something that- nevermind..."

They entered the BT-42 and went to the place where the exhibition match held. The other Jatkosota Tanks followed. The StuGs were not yet there.

As they touch on the ground, they met their opponent of this Match: St. Gloriana Girls Collage. Commanded by Darjeeling with Adrian as the Vice-Commander.

"A-Adrian!?" Huey said from afar.

"H-Huey?" Adrian answered.

"Adrian! You're here also!?" Huey asked adrian.

"Yes. Landed on St. Gloriana. And you're Jatkosota?" Adrian asked him also.

"Yep, Vice commander of Jatkosota." Huey answered. "And you're the Vice Commander of St. Gloriana?"

Darjeeling intervened. "Yes. He's our Vice Commander."

The Judge walks towards then and They bowed on each other

"Goodluck to all of us!"

Huey went to their area. Questioning where the StuGs are.

As he questions himself, a C5M Super Galaxy went to their place and airdrop their two StuG IIIs

"I told you we're going back! Goodluck to your Match!" Valeria answered on the radio.

"Thanks Valeria! Thank you Saunders!" Huey waves his hand to the Plane

"Well... We have 11 tanks ready for battle, but the maximum is 10 tanks. We'll only use 1 StuG III. Here's our plan. Bombard and Encirclement Technique" Huey points out on the Map:

 Bombard and Encirclement Technique" Huey points out on the Map:

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The match started. Huey takes a BT-7, and join with Mika's group. The Medium Tanks (The "Borrowed" T-34s) were going to engaged the high grounds to provide cover on Mika's command. Little did they know, the flag tank is there.

Meanwhile, Huey, Mika, and the rest of their tanks were bombarded by the enemy on the mountain

"Wow, they really get their tanks there fast..." Mika said to Huey.

"I see... Their tanks are bombarding us. Mika, Send the T34s to the mountain, We'll send ours on the city" He said to Mika, by a radio also.

"Alright! Forward!" Mika expressed.

They abandoned their encirclement a bit, but their assault on the mountain is still active. The T34s are attacking on the mountainside.

"I am hit. Our T34 is eliminated!" A voice heard on the Radio

"First Casualty on ours..." Huey mused.

Mika saw a Crusader, aimed at it, and eliminating it.

Meanwhile a shot is seen from a mountain, and hit the StuG III

"Well... 8 tanks to 9 enemy tanks... This is going to be Tense." Huey mused.

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