chapter 7

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I wake up and my eyes are heavy. I haven't been able to get proper sleep in a while. I haven't heard from Chris either which makes me restless plus I'm anxious about that alpha test. I have to pass but not too much. It's a good thing I made mistakes purposely.

I have a really bad headache and i really can't stop thinking about the kiss. I thought I'd have forgotten about it after a while but it turns out i haven't.

As I head for the bathroom to take a bath i hear someone knock on my window. Who could it be, my room is on the top floor. I quickly walk towards my window. "Chris!!!" I shout out as I spot his tall structure on the balcony. He has a cast on his arm. "Shhh....hey beautiful, keep your voice down, we wouldn't want your father to chase me away with a baseball bat." Chris says. "Steppppp-father, he has no control over who I see. I'm so happy to see you!" I say while running towards him to give him a big hug. "Ouuuch, not too tight bubs" Chris moans. "Oh I'm so sorry" I apologize. "I'm just too happy to see you" I add.

"So are you gonna let me in or not?" Chris asks. Let him in? I know I'm "rebellious" but letting a boy into my room is the last thing on my to do list. "I'm not going to fuck you... well if you don't want me to" Chris adds. I'm not surprised by his vulgar language, he's so different from Xiad. I bump his shoulder slightly and we both laugh. "Okay okay come in" I quickly gesture for him to come in. He sits on the chair by my study desk. He looks so cute today regardless of the fact that he's just been discharged. "I'm so sorry for not coming to check up on you, I've been..." I begin. "It's no biggie...really.. I understand you have annoying school, homework, projects.. ughh the list goes on and on." Chris teases. We both burst into laughter. "Anyway that's not why I'm here. I wanna take you somewhere." Chris says. "But i have class today" I reply. "It won't take long. It'll be fun i promise." Chris insists. I find it so hard to say no to him.

"Okay I guess missing school for JUST ONE day won't be as bad, right?" I try to convince myself. "I haven't had a shower though so do you mind?" I say while pointing for him to exit the room. I mean he doesn't expect me to shower while he's in my room right. "Nah ill stay." Chris says like it's no big deal. I guess he's used to these kind of things. I give him a worried look. "Relax, I told you i wouldn't fuck you unless you wanted me to which I'd gladly do..mhhh" Chris says while biting his bottom look and starts looking up and down at me. I was only in my short nightdress and did I mention that it's SHORT?

"I'll be a good boy, I promise" Chris adds. "Okay cool. Wait here while I take a shower in the bathroom, I'll be out in a few" I say. "Yesssss mam" Chris says while I turn to the bathroom.

A few minutes into the shower, I realise Chris has been too quiet so i call out to see if he's still in my room. "Chris! Are you still there?"
"Yes...i.. I.. I am"
"Chris!! What are you doing in here! Get out! " I shout while I furiously take a towel to cover myself. He can be so infuriating sometimes. "I'm sorry." Chris says as he puts his hands up as if to surrender. He slowly moves away from the bathroom door.

I finish bathing and i exit the bathroom only to find Chris going through my wardrobe and a few clothes on the floor. He has no respect for me and my stuff. "Uhm, what are you doing Chris?" I ask trying to sound as calm as I can be. "Oh, I hope you don't mind bubs, I'm just looking for something sexy for you to wear" Chris says while continuing to go through my clothes. "And how has it gone so far" I tease. "Not.. pretty good, I must admit. Thy lady needeth some lingerie!" Chris attempts some Shakespeare. I just burst out into laughter. He never ceases to amaze me.

"Hahaha funny" I giggle. "Just wear your baggy shit and I'll get you something on the way." Chris adds. My "baggy shit"? My clothes aren't that bad. I wouldn't normally agree to a boy buying me clothes but anything to annoy my mom. "Whatever" I say while rolling my eyes.

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