Chapter 16

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Song for this chapter: Conversations in the dark by John legend

Xiad's p.o.v

I quickly put on the closest sweater pants I could find and I run out of the house and Into the car. It's raining cats and dogs outside so my heart is tearing when i think of Resmee right now. I drive for what feels like an hour but I know it has only been 30 minutes. Indeed time is relative. Perhaps Res was on the way to my house to apologise and got lost? Why was she crying then? I just have a million questions in my mind right now.

I hear some sobbing and a few seconds later
I spot something under a huge palm tree. It must be her. I move closer..."Resmee is that you? Res.."
She immediately jumps into my arms like she's never felt any safer, she hold on tight and I hold her even tighter. With her still in my arms, I take her to my car, she is soaking wet and sneezing uncontrollably.

I get her into the back seat but she doesn't let go as I try to lay her down. "It's okay, you're safe now" I whisper into her ear as I feel her body ease and slowly she finally lets go.

I put on her favorite song "say you won't let go" and
A few minutes into the drive, I notice she has fallen asleep so I decrease the volume.

I can't take her to her house right now, not until she has told me what is wiring in her bedazzling mind.

We have reached my house so I carry her out of the car and into my house. I try to walk up the stairs as quiet as I can but I notice my mom waiting for me right at the top. ", I can explain"

"Get the poor girl some fresh clothes from the drawer in my room and stop 'explaining' Xiad."
"I'll sleep with her, in my room. To make sure she's okay" my mom says and I immediately feel a pang right in my chest. I mean it's not that I expected much or anything but I was planning on sleeping on the floor in my room and she'd sleep on my bed. I'm not overprotective or anything like that but I feel like no one can do a better job at protecting her than I ever will.

My mom notices the frown on my face and says "you didn't think I'd let you take advantage of the poor girl now Xay, did you? She's probably unconscious for all I know so if she can't speak for herself, I will"

"But mom, I was planning on sleeping on the floor and.. "
"Uh, uh Xay. You and...."

Realizing how I'm losing the argument, I hear Resmee growl "ugh" as though she's been listening in on the conversation this whole time. I look at her and she's got one eye open. Sneaky girl.

"I'M AWAKE, I'M AWAKE!!" Resmee proclaims as she jumps out of my arms.
"Uhm..I mean, good evening Mrs Kotzer. It's okay, I really don't mind sleeping on the floor in Xiad's room. I'm sure it would give him peace of mind knowing I'm right next to him.. I mean close..uhm on the floor.. and knowing I'm okay. He's helped me a lot today. Some people broke into our house and my parents are at a conference in New York so he came to my rescue and..."

"Okay, fine! Fine!. But if he tries anything and I mean anything. Just know I'm right here downstairs. I'll cut off his hands." Resmee's smile is her widest yet and I can't help but smile too. I didn't know she was such a good liar. I blink at her as if to say 'good job'

"Xiad, didn't I tell you to get her some dry clothes? What are you still waiting for? Get...." my mom says while raising her leg to kick my butt. Well.. I guess it's a good thing she likes Resmee if only Resmee liked me too.

"I don't think yours will fit me, Mrs Kotze. I'm sure Xiad has something old for me to wear but thank you"
Okay. What's wrong with her? Whatever it is, I like it. They both turn to look at me when a giggle I've been holding back escapes me.

"Look at this one" my mom says while looking up and down at me.
"Well.. don't do anything I wouldn't do"
My mom blinks one eye.

I lead Res into my room. That sounds weird. Okay, i take Res into my room... even worse. Okay we get into my room and Resmee sits on the corner of my bed. "Now let's get you something to wear"

"Uhm, look Xiad. I can explain.."
She begins. "Uh uh.. you don't have to explain anything to me, okay?"
"You can tell me everything in the morning and that's only if you want to. I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you, if and when you need me"

She lets out a long sigh and I can tell she's pleased I didn't ask her any questions. Deep inside I'm burning to hear what she has to say. Could she have been with Chris, did he perhaps do something to her? Uh..I'm dying.

I get out one of my long shirts and give it to her. I also hand her my favorite boxers. Yes, it's official. I have been bewitched.

"Thank you" she says with a smile. Her eyes though are still red, probably from all the crying.

"Uhm..I'll give you some space so you can get dressed" I say.

"DON'T" she stops me.

And I feel my heart smile.

" uh..i mean I'm sure I can do this without you peaking"
"Close your eyes, I'll be done in a sec"

I follow suit and I close my eyes.

I feel my heartbeat accelerating and it feels as though I can't breathe, is the thought of having a beautiful and NAKED girl in my room really overwhelm me that much or is it WHO the beautiful and naked girl is.

"I'm done" I hear her say.
I open my eyes and she's got only the shirt on. "I...uhm..I (I swallow a gulp of saliva and start breathing in and embarrassing) I mean.. I got you some boxers too" I finally say.

I knew she had a scrumptious body( highlight scrumptious)
But this..this is... I don't know. It feels as though she has got diamonds on her thighs as they entrap me in a gaze I fear I might never escape.

"They're too small, I mean Mr Xay, do you think all this could fit into those small boxers?" she says while turning around to show me her perfectly sculpted behind and yeah you guessed it.. I can't take it anymore. I swallow another gulp of saliva and this time I choke.

She Immediately comes to check on me and I just feel like screaming out to her ' don't you dare come a little closer or I might die'

"Are you okay?" She asks. I'm not okay. I mean have you seen yourself?

"Yea, sure" is all I manage to say.

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