Ziad's p.o.v

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I woke up 30 minutes earlier today.
The past two years have been hard for me especially since dad passed away last year. This year I'm turning on a new leaf. I want to work hard and do the best I can.

We arrive at school and there are only a few students around. I just head to my locker to get a few books.
The bell rings, it's time for class.

A few minutes into class, my mom I mean teacher calls me over to her desk. 
"Please go and inquire about the test papers from the principal, this is very important for the learners who would like to do Alpha maths" my teacher said.
"Okay, ma'am" I replied. I've always been the teacher's pet and it's not only because she's my mom but I'm a very hard worker though my grades did drop last year, she understands why. She loved my dad so much.
I am so lost in thought that I almost don't feel it when I collide heads with with some student.

"Ouch" she moaned. As I kneel down to pick up the notes i was holding, i look up and wow, she's beautiful. She has huge hair, she's tall, she has deep brown eyes and her skin is as brown as her eyes.

"Watch where you're going!" She yelled out. It wasn't my fault well a part of it was but it was hers too.
She then continued walking hurriedly towards class, I am convinced that she was late.
What's this? Oh, i think she dropped something.
"Hey, wait! You dropped something!) I screamed out. I started running towards her, I start pushing my hair back as it was getting in my face, I always use this trick to attract girls but somehow I knew it wasn't going to work on this one.

"Mhhh..mhhh...mhh.. here...is your diary... mhh .. mhh" I said to her while breathing heavily. "Okay, thanks" she replied. Before I could say something else, she just turned on her heels and started walking. She has her curves all in the right places. She's perfect.

I then get to class and notice that there's someone in my seat, it's her. She looks so beautiful.
"Mom..mhh..ma'am" everyone giggles well except her, in fact she looks confused.  I just giggle to hide my embarrassment. "The principal said she would send someone to come and give you the papers after class" I finally managed to say. "Okay, thanks Xiad" my mom/teacher replied.

I go over to her seat well my seat and I can feel the anxiety building up in my chest. I am so nervous.
"That's my seat" I finally manage to whisper in her ear.
She doesn't say anything. Maybe she didn't she hear me. "I said this is my seat" I said again. This time being rewarded with her attention. "Oh it's you" she said.
It's me?
I saw her try to get up from the seat but I just gently pushed her right back. I liked that seat but I wanted her to have it. She smells so nice. I don't know much about women's fragrances but this one was my new favorite. Her hair smelt great too. I can't move away. What is she doing to me!

"You can sit here if you want, I'll sit somewhere else" I said with a huge smile. "okay" she replied, with her own smile though it didn't reach her eyes.

It's break time and I wait for everyone to leave the class. I head straight towards my mom's desk. "Mom..." I attempt to say. "Nooo, Xiad, in here it's MA'AAAM"  she said, emphasizing on the "ma'am".  I just giggled. I was nervous about what I was going to ask her.
"Ma'am, can I ask you something?" I said, the shakiness in my voice obviously evident. "Yes, what's wrong?"
Okay here goes. "What's her name? That girl who sat in my seat today? What's her name?" I finally asked.
"The one with big hair?" She asked.
Yes it's that one, that one mom. I thought to myself. "Yes, that one" I replied. "Her name is Resmee, she moved here 3 months ago, she lives with her mom, step father and 2 step siblings. She moved here early so that when school begins, she's already here." ,My mom answered. How did my mom know this? "Thank you mom, I mean ma'am .. but how do you know all of this?" I couldn't help but ask. "Her step father is Ben Jacobs, the one who used to work with your father", my mom said. Oh that explains it. My mom and Ben Jacobs are good friends, they've been friends since preschool . I always wondered if they'd be something more between them even when my father was still around, they were just so close, still are. But someone's stolen his heart now just like her daughter has stolen mine.

I just nod my head to my mom as I walk out of the classroom. I head straight towards the lockers in the hall.
As I approach my locker, I spot someone trying to break into it. Wait, I know that hair, I know that body, I know that face that's always angry with the world, it's her, it's Resmee. "That's mine too", I say to her. She doesn't respond, I take it it's a habit of hers. "Resmee" , I say again. "What do you want from me, how do you even know my name, actually you know what I don't even want to know.", she screams at me. What is wrong with her, why is she so angry. "Woah, woah, slow your roll, I was just trying to help anyway I think your locker is number 23, the one right there", I said while pointing her to her locker. I knew this because it was written on her key. number 23 is my position on the basketball team and I pasted the number 23 on my locker coincidentally that's her locker number , could it be fate? My subconscious adds. that's probably why she mixed it up.

I was so angry at how rude she was and so I decided to give her space. She was probably just having a bad day. Starting at a new school can be hard. I just quickly turn away and start walking to class.

It is the last period. It's science, my favorite. I do what I promised myself to do. To answer all the questions and work hard.

Class is over and I notice Resmee walk towards me, I just walk faster so that she doesn't catch up. I don't know what I did to her this time and I'm scared to even ask. I'll speak to her tomorrow, when she's out of whatever dilemma she may be in.

*This is Xiad's p.o.v and not chapter 2.
I will post chapter 2 tomorrow.

Keep reading.❤

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