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(!!read this whole chapter before you read the rest of the book!!)

Hello I'm the author and at the time of writing this I go by coast and my pronouns are they/them.

This "chapter" has information that i need  you to read first.

Things in this book I DO own:

I own  the art, the plot, the au, some of the charcter designs, some of the side characters and anything that isn't owned by TheFamousFilms, Scott cawthon, JonJon/ToiletJon, or Kira Breed-Wrisley

So don't trace or steal my art

Don't take my au or the plot of this book and rip it off
(Don't steal my au or the plot of this book)

You can make an au or a book based off mine but you must  ask me first I promise I will respond it may not be a second after you ask but I will respond.

If you see anyone steal (meaning I didn't give them permission to use it) my au, the plot, or if they steal/trace my art tell me before you report them so I can give you the okay first.

Things I DON'T own in this book:

I do not  own the characters created and owned by TheFamousFilms, JonJon, Scott Cawthon, or, Kira Breed-Wrisley

This is an au

Au means alternate universe, so this means everything in this book is NOT cannon to the story/au owned by TheFamousFilms, JonJon/ToiletJon, Scott Cawthon, or Kira Breed-Wrisley.

I repeat this is not cannon.

Now that we have that sorted out here's some more things.

This book has nothing to do with religion.

Be respectful of others.

Don't bring religion in to this.

Do not spam me.

Do not harass or pressure me to updating this book I do this for fun and to help improve my writing skills.

Do not attack or harass me or anyone.

Do not be racists.

Do not be homophobic or transiphobic.

Do not say anything against the lbgtqia+ community.

Do not bring politics in to anything.

Do not send hate to any of the voice actors who play certain characters just because the characters are rude.
(Keep this in mind with every fandom you are in).

Don't be toxic.

There will only  be platonic ships.
(Meaning that some characters will be friends and only friends)

You can ship who ever you want as long as you aren't nasty about it and you respect the people or characters you ship, they shouldn't be children, incest , real people, pedophilia or anything like that.

There will be NO self insert OCs and if there is an OC in this book the OC won't be too important they will only be a side character to move the story along.

About updates:

The updates schedule for this book may be messed up with my school and personal life things but I aim for  weekly updates and if my motivations on a high then expect more updates then usual.

Trigger warnings:

If there are possible triggers In a chapter I will put a warning and I will tell you when it starts and when you can pick back up to read so you can skip the possible trigger.

And if I miss some possible triggers please do tell me. You aren't bothering me by telling me about a trigger, you are helping me and others by telling me about possible trigger in the chapter.

Spelling and grammar:

If there are spelling mistakes I apologise about them it may be based off the way I talk, It sounds weird but trust me it's a thing.

You can correct me just don't spam and don't be a jerk about it and if someone has already said something about it then don't say anything.

Commenting and voting:

I absolutely love it when people vote and/or comment on my stories! It brings me so much joy when I see that people actually enjoy my book.

If you comment I will respond.
It may take some time for me to see your comment but I will respond. I promises I will!

Fanart and stuff like that:

I mean I'm not begging or asking for y'all to draw stuff for the story but idk it sounds cool and if anyone actually did that and they would want me to see it theirs a possibility that I'd see it on Wattpad or youtube those are the only "social medias" that I use so I guess put the hash tag stick and stones some where or give your self a little shout out in my comments.

Don't draw any thing nasty or inappropriate.

If I do see it I will ask you if I can feature it in a fanart gallery I will be making soon, a chapter reserved for showing off fanart, and if you'd like for me to give you some sort of shout out so, uhh free clout I guess.

Anyway have good one and i hope you enjoy the book!!

And some things in this book may be based on personal experience so yeah sry if that bothers you.

Words: 858

Sticks and stones |TTF A.U| (being Rewriten as another book)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt