💥💔💥Chapter 5💥💔💥

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When Izuku woke up he realized he wasn't in the room he had busted into for his panic/anxiety attack but instead was back in the princes office.

"Good afternoon Deku." The prince said without looking away from his papers. He didn't want Izuku to panic... to feel like the alpha was watching him. For some unknown reason he felt like if he looked at the omega wrong, touched the omega in a way he didn't want or said something the omega that offended him the omega would do something... something... bad?

He was so confused. His feelings were all jumbled. He groaned to himself. He really needed to research what this all was... he needed to feel like he was in control.

The omega smiled to the alpha, curling into a ball. He gave him a sleepy look. "Do you need help a-alpha?"

The alpha looked towards the unmated omega. "You don't have to call me alpha if you don't want to..." He felt his heart scream as he spoke his next words. "It sounds like you're forcing yourself to do something you obviously cannot stand. So please call me whatever you want."

The omega tilted his head. "Do you not like it when I call you a-a-alpha." The boy stuttered out.

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I don't care. I just noticed that you're struggling is all. Don't force yourself to do things you don't want Deku." He said looking back to his papers. The omega rolled out of a thick comfortable blanket and walked over to the alpha. He immediately recognized the papers he was working on.

"Prince. I wouldn't sign that peace-treaty. If you see there-" The omega pointed towards the map. "They are going to take a small portion of your land, and in return you'd get an omega... unless you are desperately looking for an omega I'd suggest denying it." The alpha's eyebrows furrowed.

"Hmm... seems your right Deku." He looked to the omega. "You know... omega's usually can't do this-" he gestured towards his work. "It requires a lot of skill and work-"

"and punishment." The omega said as his eyes darkened.

"What do you mean?" The omega didn't respond to the alpha but left the room.

The alpha denied the paper, and tried to continue on with the next paper he needed to complete. But... he needed to know where the omega was.


Running away from the alpha in the room he ran and ran until he reached the garden. It was a beautiful garden filled with flowers that would entice anyone. But it especially caught the omega's eyes being his first time in forever seeing flowers. He smiled as he leaned down to smell the flowers the sweet aroma filled his senses. He sat in front of the beautiful flowers, allowing himself to rest against a tree. Sleep took him quickly and for the first time ever... he didn't have a single bad memory haunt his sleep.


The alpha wouldn't stop looking for the omega. He panicked when no one not even the knights could find him.

What if the omega had done something to harm himself? What if he had been captured? What if... what if... what if... So many scenarios filled Katsuki's head. He ran out to the garden searching until he saw a small hint of green fabric.

He ran towards it to see Deku sound asleep. He picked up the small omega and found himself... smelling him. He somehow felt at ease as he buried his face into Izuku's sweat gland. He walked down the hallways till he made it back into his room. He looked towards his desk to see his papers had been moved, probably by Kirishima. He placed the small omega on his bed and stared at him.

He felt some many things... so many things he didn't understand. He brushed a strand of hair off of his face. He wanted to understand everything his feelings, the omega's past, and the reason why the omega was so... different.

He sighed, and called for Kirishima. "I need you and Mina too help me, please." 

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